Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
If the State (ie. United States) "holds title to that person", then why is it not fulfilling the duties regarding said person...

1. To make an inventory of the things subject to the usufruct, in the presence of those having an interest in them.(The certificate of live birth / birth certificate)
2. To give security for their restitution; when the usufruct shall be at an end. (Promise to pay: contract under seal = state as usufrucut)
3. To take good care of the things subject to the usufruct.
4. To pay all taxes, and claims which arise while the thing is in his possession, as a ground-rent.
5. To keep the thing in repair at his own expense.

Oh that's easy; people are assuming they have title to the person, and are acting as sureties for the person.

If I had more time at the moment, I have a thoughts I'd like to share. But I have a few things to take care of, so if I remember them later, I'll share.