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Thread: Redeem From Public To Private Venue

  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
    States don't have rights, they are fictions. Fictions can't bring forth claims, only people can. People are the creators of fictions.

    Likewise STRAWMEN are without the concept of redemption.

  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Its quite simple. If you wear the mask of a stranger as you climb over the Western wall to enter my royal palace in the dark of night and my guards beat the piss and blueberries out of you, then you take your mask off and say "But its me the king's brother". Don't blame me or my guards for mistaking you for a stranger and treating you like one (especially if you act like one)! This foregoing might apply to many things in life and might explain why someone has experience certain treatment at times.

    (48 second mark)

    Doesn't David Merrill at times refer to a corollary called: "nakary"? The word 'person' is related to the word mask' or 'farce'.

    Though the idea of neutrality or making declarations of peace is not new AFAIK, Salsero makes a good point in that the conditioning and lack of knowledge makes it seem rather impossible for some to overcome the obstacles. As mentioned before, on a certain level, a driver license doesn't tell anyone whether you are a stranger or not--they will likely presume stranger. I have gotten the overall impression that folks are conditioned to act like strangers and to see themselves as strangers in a strange land nearly from birth. What a gambit. What is 'strange' may vary with the culture or venue. Pop media, it seems, tends to encourage folks to act strange and think strange.

    Sure it might take some knowledge or wisdom to know if one is triggering the undesirable responses from the others by one's own actions. Light is handy for overcoming the darkness.


    BTW, I recall listening to a talk by "Pastor Tony King". He went on this seemingly religious talk .. and eventually got to "Become one with your strawman." I stopped the recording at that point.
    Thank you Allodial;

    That clarifies quite a bit. I am further describing how we have reached an expiration of the 153 years since this came about by proclamation.

    I know how difficult that math is to swallow, and how easy it is to dismiss outright. Number 153 is the first CSNL after 1 and they describe relationships of primes to rational numbers throughout the infinite number line. Therefore they are a hologram in miniature (fractal) and are the (fast) RSA Factoring Algorithm that will terminate the nonsense around debt being money.

    That is why I have it as pertinent subject matter here on the STRAWMAN REDEMPTION. Nonsensical markets created upon debt lead the patriot community to look for, and often find seeming confirmations of fantastic Treasury Direct accounting systems, and even the possibility of security and confidence building measures outside of CUSIP etc. With a fast RSA Factoring Algorithm that chapter in (fractional reserve) banking comes to a close!

    What I hope your imagination can continue with is that this holographic application of toggle, dither and flutter will be the birth of Artificial Intuition. Therefore I am appealing that you might trust my intuition about all of this.
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-13-14 at 11:48 PM.

  3. #93

    My two cents

    Quote Originally Posted by salsero View Post
    Their or theirs is defined as a presumed ownership through a presumed authority which dares or deceives others to believe it is true

    stuff is defined as "a false image of the real" it is part of the dead world, paper, statutes, etc.

    An Example: A deed is an image of the actual house. The house is real. The deed only re-presents the house. It is through our ignorance that we ACCEPT the deed as real house. How does failure "to pay" a mortgage dare foreclose on that house? If the original mortgage was created by a signature, how does the law support paper foreclosing on the real house? It makes no sense MORALLY. There is no money - just dead paper WE PRESUME has value.

    Interesting. I've always thought of a deed as a memorialization of a past act/ion, not of a thing.

    The quote "A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds" refers to his past acts/actions, not images of a thing.

    But, as we know, the whole world is a stage.

    Anywho, thought I'd chime in. One month after filing the ucc's Boris style, I get a call from an attorney/Landsman company telling me I'm an heir to oil, natural gas, interests, mineral rights, yadda yadda. The thing is, this land was purchased by my great great grandfather 100 years ago, in 1914. All this time I never knew about my families interests. Trust me, there's been so many trespassors, escheats, false claims, etc., upon this 640 acres it would blow your mind. My father didn't know, my grandmother, great aunt didn't know. But all I know is that I did Boris ucc filings and all of a sudden I get informed of this.

    People can naysay all they like. At their own peril. Do or don't, I really don't think Boris cares one way or the other because at least he let people know about it, so he's done his part. Boris is definitely not the type who wants to trespass on free will. As far as I'm concerned, I appreciate Boris tremendously.

    If anyone wants more details, just ask.

    Thank you for reading.

  4. #94
    Thank you Lost in Florida (backwards);

    Welcome to StSC!

    That is a relief that I do not offend Boris. I am pleased that in your unique and forgotten heritage that this process somehow turned up a lost estate. Would you please elaborate and maybe isolate what facets of Boris' process caught this attorney's attention?

    From your post I presume that the attorney was after a cut of salvaging your estate from all that escheat and assumpsit.

    P.S. On that known by his fruit doctrine: About 8 months back I received a call from AJ's wife as they lost their home, in a panic because in the process of the county removing all their possessions to the curb, they cuffed and jailed AJ. This explains to this amateur psychologist why he would feel so invested in Boris' doctrine, AJ now feeling he sees what went wrong. It also explains why he must resort to slurs and his own derogatory diagnosis of my mental health. His example of the 2008 Mortgage Release does little to convince me that portion of the process shown was the reasoning for releasing the mortgage when AJ himself lost his home - I assume under Boris' guidance.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-13-14 at 05:02 PM.

  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by adirolfnitsol View Post
    Do or don't, I really don't think Boris cares one way or the other because at least he let people know about it, so he's done his part. Boris is definitely not the type who wants to trespass on free will. As far as I'm concerned, I appreciate Boris tremendously.
    Boris's method of UCC filing is hardly different than anything preceding it. Without questioning his sincerity or intelligence, the UCC filing isn't astonishingly different from others methods such as from Cracking the Code 3rd Edition (UCC), etc. The most prominent thing the UCC filing might do is make jurisdiction distinctions that weren't there before. That can be done without the UCC filing. I just get the impression of folks going "ooh and aaah" about the same thing others have been promoting.

    Also we have discussed 'usufruct' and 'trusts' who knows how many thousands of times over the years even from the old sujuris site to now. Where he has noble efforts to inform people, that is great. However it is not new.
    Last edited by allodial; 05-13-14 at 08:27 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #96

    Thank you for the welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Thank you Lost in Florida (backwards);

    Welcome to StSC!

    That is a relief that I do not offend Boris. I am pleased that in your unique and forgotten heritage that this process somehow turned up a lost estate. Would you please elaborate and maybe isolate what facets of Boris' process caught this attorney's attention?

    From your post I presume that the attorney was after a cut of salvaging your estate from all that escheat and assumpsit.

    P.S. On that known by his fruit doctrine: About 8 months back I received a call from AJ's wife as they lost their home, in a panic because in the process of the county removing all their possessions to the curb, they cuffed and jailed AJ. This explains to this amateur psychologist why he would feel so invested in Boris' doctrine, AJ now feeling he sees what went wrong. It also explains why he must resort to slurs and his own derogatory diagnosis of my mental health. His example of the 2008 Mortgage Release does little to convince me that portion of the process shown was the reasoning for releasing the mortgage when AJ himself lost his home - I assume under Boris' guidance.

    Hi David,

    Here's my take on what was different about Boris method. First, some foundation. The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 talks about those lost beyond the sea. Purportedly, they are supposed to send out three (3) search parties. Well, that never happened. With Boris method you check the box for the filing to go into the REAL ESTATE records, also you check the box for as-extracted. The timing of the filings and the resulting call from the Landsman company notifying me of these interests, was uncanny. The Landsman company works for Apache Corporation and they're trying to save their client some bucks, that's expected. But what this Landsman company did, was surreal. They said they were going to send me an Affidavit of Heirship. But what they sent me in the mail was a Form W-9 for me to fill out and a Ratification of oil, gas and mineral Lease. This Ratification Lease, on this Legal size page, said Owner on it ten times, one of those title of Owner right next to my signature line. So I called them back and said Hey, could you please explain to me how an heir can be an Owner? The attorney hemmed and hawed, stuttered...then said "We'll go ahead and send you out an Affidavit of Heirship." What is kind of embarrassing to me is that my family all readily signed this Ratification Lease, get this, with no facts or figures, nothing showing percentages, all they had to go by was a verbal ball park figure from this attorney. I hate to say this but they're not too bright.

    So here's my opinion on it: I think the extent of their so-called search party is simply pulling up a browser and looking at the UCC filings and seeing who has...found themselves and listed their own selves.

    Thank you again for your very warm welcome, David.

    P.S. I had a really tough time with this at first. It's like one of those stereogram pictures where you can't see anything until you stare at it for a couple/few minutes. But once I saw the picture, there is no going back. I was holding myself back. That is the honest truth, David.

  7. #97
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Now I can "get down" with what salsero is laying down.

    Looking in the mirror I see my enemy, it is myself. I have become programmed as a happiness machine subject to certain stimuli - I, we - are brainwashed. Few will admit it, but consider a formal education. Be it private or public it matters not. Consider how each day the child sits for one hour at a certain subject - then a bell rings - then another hour on a new subject - then a bell rings - then an hour on another subject - then a bell get the point. This is called Compartmentalization. The child's mind is compartmentalized. I used to hire engineering grads from a local university and at first I looked for the 4.0 student, until after about a year of "experiencing" the "trained stock" I found that folks with a 2.7 GPA were a much better fit. I will never forget my first hire - an attractive young lady with a 4.0 GPA - I hired her as an Intern with the hope that she would become a Professional Engineer. One day I asked her to write a transmittal letter to make the livery of a set of plans upon a local administrator. Three hours later she showed up with a writing that I would expect from a first grade student. No kidding.

    She learned how to REGURGITATE information - feed back what is fed. But I desire a thinker! A rare commodity these days. Then it dawns on me - has anyone had an original thought? Jesus Christ said "ye can do nothing without me". I believe that to be true.

    I like that you wrote "paid homage". I count [remember Rev 15] you to be right on the money! Stones become smooth after a long, long, time. Worship is homage! Jesus Christ said: "For if you LOVE me [love is about giving] then you will keep my commandments." Our choice! So my sacrifice is to walk in The Way. Please however do not mistake my Love and Loyalty for Legalism. I need Christ - I cannot get about without Christ. I am a dead man walking without Christ. I am quickened to life in my DECLARATION OF INTENT. Otherwise presumptions abound.

    Wouldn't you say it is a common respect to the opinions of mankind to declare yourself? I cannot read you mind.

    Michael Joseph ben Ha Elohim am I:

    1. My loyalty is to Jesus Christ.
    2. I pledge my allegiance to Jesus Christ.
    3. I am ordained by Jesus Christ to undertake in His Kingdom.
    4. My trust is in Jesus Christ. He is my King. He owns me without restriction or reservation. He bought me, He created me.
    5. My homage is to serve my King.
    6. I am dead to this world in Christ.
    7. My life is held in trust in Christ.

    Therefore I await the Adoption, hoping in the Spirit- today I call out Father but tomorrow I look forward to Husbandman. And if a wife, I shall be given a new SURNAME - Elohim. I shall become a member of the household of God.

    Jesus Christ holds my life in Trust for my benefit; THEREFORE I am private beneficiary under Yehoshuah or Jesus Christ. Said another way Yehovah is my Salvation!

    What can I say, then?

    Q: Is the vessel I call the flesh mine?
    A: no! Gen 1:1; Gen 2:7

    Q: Is the soul granted to me mine?
    A: no! Ezek 18:4

    Q: Is the spirit granted to me mine?
    A: no! - Ecc 12:6-7

    What can I give to El Elyon and Yehovah? I can choose to Undertake in this existence according to the Uses established by the Grantor/Creator/Settlor/Trustor/Surety.

    Or, I can choose to obey another lawgiver! Which is to say I obey the created over the Creator! Is that wise? Perhaps I obey my flesh in Ego. Or perhaps it is money, education, wealth in time or materials....

    Just look at Nebuchadnezzar he Surnamed those four boys! He gave them a title in his kingdom. Consider now a legal name. It is ONLY legal within the kingdom in which it was created - so therefore said legal name must be UNDERSTOOD by the kingdom's treasury. And it is! That is until someone comes along and makes an Improper Use of said name - enter the Constructive Trustee.

    Why did those 55 men create a new government [a special ministerial trust]? Because they sought to be set-apart in the Earth. These men Declared themselves and they were acknowledged and as such, they took their Station [Standing].

    Other men opine on and on about this and that and how they have this and that....on and on ad finitum. Yet they lack a Declaration of their Trust. So instead of coming out of "her O my people", they instead remain under the Shade of the Bramble Bush! Which is to say - they willingly Worship Satan! Ref Matthrew 4:4. For in forsaking the Creator they by default worship Satan.

    And men go on and on about what they THINK they can lawfully do regarding a PRIVATE UCC. Unless those who actually have standing have agreed to let me make a use of their private UCC for specific purposes - I can think whatever I desire - I lack the agreement and therefore I lack standing to do anything in regard to the UCC. For that UCC is a Private repository held within the Law Boundary of the State. If I have Declared myself in Trust - then perhaps I should become a Suitor to Court in Treaty; but if not - by my lack of action - I agree to be subject - else where is the evidence of my claim?

    Now let me return to Scripture - so the wise can see - What can I give to God that is not already His? My Choice! My sacrifice is to Choose to abandon my way and Choose His Way. I love Yehovah's Way - for in it is Equity, Mercy and Justice. Declaring myself in Christ I seek a city that is not built by the hands of man! And my faith is the title deed to that City. My Faith being recorded by the Registrar of Deeds in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Seeking Equity - I undertake IN PERSONAM as a member of the body of Christ.

    Psa 98:9 Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.

    Do not the Scriptures show that a king must keep his word, even to his hurt? Therefore I see the Kenites with Standing before God BECAUSE they kept the word of their father Jonadab - Jeremiah 35:19.

    My only RECOURSE is to flee to the Refuge in Yehovah under the Shadow of El Shaddai - this is the Secret Place of El Elyon which is where my Trust resides - Ref Psalms 91: 1-2.

    So I declare my claim in Equity in the Great Name above all names - Yehoshuah or Jesus the anointed - and I undertake in Equity. As far as I can tell most folks Choose to remain in bondage. Harsh words I agree, yet true. The garlic in Egypt is delicious and the place of "bitter waters" is fearsome indeed. I notice that on the Way out of Egypt there came a time when man could not overcome in his own strength. Consider how wonderful Faith and Hope - Moses called upon the Name of Yehovah for Salvation. David called upon the Name of Yehovah for Salvation....and on and on.

    The Elect know - let the wise consider.

    The following is the Fourth of the concluding five Hallelujah Psalms, answering to NUMBERS.

    Psa 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.
    Psa 149:2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
    Psa 149:3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
    Psa 149:4 For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
    Psa 149:5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
    Psa 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand;
    Psa 149:7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
    Psa 149:8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
    Psa 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.

    v. 6 Reference:

    Rev 1:16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

    Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    Heb 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  8. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Now I can "get down" with what salsero is laying down.

    Looking in the mirror I see my enemy, it is myself. I have become programmed as a happiness machine subject to certain stimuli - I, we - are brainwashed. Few will admit it, but consider a formal education. Be it private or public it matters not. Consider how each day the child sits for one hour at a certain subject - then a bell rings - then another hour on a new subject - then a bell rings - then an hour on another subject - then a bell get the point. This is called Compartmentalization. The child's mind is compartmentalized. I used to hire engineering grads from a local university and at first I looked for the 4.0 student, until after about a year of "experiencing" the "trained stock" I found that folks with a 2.7 GPA were a much better fit. I will never forget my first hire - an attractive young lady with a 4.0 GPA - I hired her as an Intern with the hope that she would become a Professional Engineer. One day I asked her to write a transmittal letter to make the livery of a set of plans upon a local administrator. Three hours later she showed up with a writing that I would expect from a first grade student. No kidding.
    And you get to the heart of how I can tell someone the truth and they go right on to ignore it. Consider: pearls and swine. This issue of turning schools into psychological laboratories is discussed in detail in several books. Pride might have something to do with it: people think they know something when what they "know" is what "most find comfortable and familiar to believe". Consider a guy who keeps an office with 10' deep plush carpets and wears $50,000 suits, people "expect" help to come from someone like that to the extent that they might get fooled after sneering at sincere and true salvation manifest, say, through a guy dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. In contrast, the guy in $50K suit might be desperate for fools so he can pay his lease and credit card off.

    Related: Decrypting Education In America; The Leipzig Connection (ebook); The Underground History of American Education (ebook by John Taylor Gatto)
    Last edited by allodial; 05-13-14 at 09:44 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #99
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    And you get to the heart of how I can tell someone the truth and they go right on to ignore it. Consider: pearls and swine. This issue of turning schools into psychological laboratories is discussed in detail in several books. Pride might have something to do with it: people think they know something when what they "know" is what "most find comfortable and familiar to believe". Consider a guy who keeps an office with 10' deep plush carpets and wears $50,000 suits, people "expect" help to come from someone like that to the extent that they might get fooled after sneering at sincere and true salvation manifest, say, through a guy dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. In contrast, the guy in $50K suit might be desperate for fools so he can pay his lease and credit card off.

    Related: Decrypting Education In America; The Leipzig Connection (ebook); The Underground History of American Education (ebook by John Taylor Gatto)
    Thank you for those books. And amen the scales of Leviathan are Pride.

    1Co 8:2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

    I would rather be John the Baptist than Caiphas.

    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  10. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Boris's method of UCC filing is hardly different than anything preceding it. I just get the impression of folks going "ooh and aaah" about the same thing others have been promoting.
    ^^ This.

    Doug Riddle did the same thing with Accepted for Value a few years ago, connecting it to scripture as well.

    The freedom world is a giant network of bunny holes. Boris was probably unaware of A4V or hadn't explored it yet.

    Ok, The Bunny wants to type something:

    Name:  s_28c031e967c74426b87f977bee272c9c.gif
Views: 674
Size:  16.6 KB
    Hay yoo freedum peeple keep burrowin n mai bunny hole. if i hadd a carot fur ebry wun a yoo i seen in mai rabbitat in teh las ten yearz

    well i'd hab a hyuge pile a carotz

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