Quote Originally Posted by martin earl View Post
No, my actions do not and cannot take away your agency to use the NOTE as legal tender or redeemed lawful money. There is nothing "go trade "it" in for a Federal Reserve Note. The FRN is still there, it did not go anywhere, it is still there, even if you draw a line trough it.

YOU me, or anyone else always has the agency to choose, short of murdering me or force, you cannot LAWFULLY make any choice for me unless you and I have an express TRUST/Covenant, which we do not.

I cannot redeem lawful money for you, you must demand it. That has nothing to do with the duality of the FIAT currency with the green backs, it has to do with personal choice and the eternal truth of AGENCY.

You striking out the serial number does not make an FRN "righteous" it only makes your use of it "lawful" in terms of Law of the Land vs. law of the Sea.

The millions of animal sacrifices of pre-Atonement Israel did not save one man or woman from the effects of sin and death, they were a "legal tender" for forgiveness. Only the acceptance of the Lawful sacrifice of Christs blood can Atone.

The trillions of legal tender sacrifices of men and women today cannot provide Payment for or forgiveness of debt, it must be paid lawfully.

I cannot compel you to accept Christ as your redeemer, no matter what mark I put on you (lawful or not, spiritual or temporal) is must be your choice to accept His offer of redemption.

I can hand you a redeemed FRN with whatever mark on it I want, that does not mean YOU have to use it as redeemed lawful money and without your own recorded demand to use it as such, the presumed standing of that note is that it is an elastic, depreciating note of negative value.
It is true from my past knowledge that within commercial law of the realm of negotiable instruments, ALL instruments are negotiable unless on it's face it says " non-negotiable " . It is not my intent to stand in your way of what you believe, therefore you have a right to your own self determination on the purpose of that instrument no more then I can tell you what to use a butter knife for. I actually have a treatise on this converted to audio

See EPISODE18 - TOOL-deconstructed

On other discussions through CS I have described this as used with the Drivers License when being pulled over on the side of the road, through conditional acceptance I changed the intent in the officers mind of whom that license benefits relating to a stop back in January 2009.

You can choose the christ if you want, think I will choose Immanuel. Do you know the difference?
just asking, it is not intended as sarcasm.