I attended a Science of Mind church for several years that by chance or right of consciousness I latter worked for. This is basically the same nonsense they came up with to justify immoral, throat-cutting, self-centeredness, dishonest, money-demanding, temper tantrum behavior - not that I am judging them but as a matter of simple observation - if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc - it must be a duck appearing. I will agree that what I may see in others MAY be some error within me; however, still being on planet earth, I would not discount entirely the fact we still live in density and duality. Translated, this means imperfections, free will and stroking one's EGO. Illusion or not, that just is what is appearing as the illusion that we all must "live under" while breathing and appearing in a body.

With this said, David did you bother to read the rest of what was written?

If it was not for my in depth study of those spiritual principles [well beyond what the church teaches], I would not have a better understanding of the PI process and how it relates to the collective consciousness of the people. TPTB are in place for OUR benefit. There are signs all around SHOUTING TO US TO US TO WAKE UP. And yet we still slumber and choose to actively participate in the matrix, mostly because of no real sense of Purpose or God, thus paying homage to false idols believing that they will cure what ails us. "the change we believed in and voted for" has only determined that the end result ain't good.

Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
That is the reflection you project. You will see what you are looking for. The True Name is like a mirror that reflects only the truth. Once you understand this, you will indict or acquit, forgive and bring peace accordingly.