Quote Originally Posted by salsero View Post
EXACTLY - You explained it very well. If one can have a out-of-the-box sense of humor with a questioning mind, asking a profound but dumbfounded question: WTF is all this about - this being life AND then take action to really seek, you will find Something that will help your journey. There has to have some purpose - AND it must be GOOD. I have been fortunate to experience first hand - non-traditional miracles or happenings that on the surface or by appearance simply can not be. It is the questioning mind, open to ALL possibilities, coming from a sense of awe and humbleness where one becomes RECEPTIVE to a better understanding - this does not mean a know it all guy but rather attempting to putting the pieces of the puzzle together as best one can, consistent with the "life leaves clues" GIVEN foundation. And it is one's job, to find his way back Home.

Along the way, one plants seeds and will reap what he has sown. God is Law. Law is immutable, past, present, future as there is no time. Therefore, the soul either aligns himself to that Law [as the created can never entirely leave the Creator] and gets closer to his Kingship or moves away bolstering the EGO [or edging God out] acknowledging the appearance as real AND serving that as the false god.

The surrender concept is not about making the illusion real or giving up but rather saying OK, it appears what is - but I KNOW or sense something greater than I is working. This WORKING FORCE WORKS FOR MY GOOD ALWAYS, as I was created in the Image of that Good. However, one day, living in Bliss and Paradise AND having so much Power, I had a thought of what it would be like NOT to be in Bliss and Paradise - and whammy here I am witnessing Barry, Harry and Nancy [WTF was I thinking? lol]. In order to know Good, one must come to know the opposite. And then we see George, Dick, Bill and Hillary. They are our teachers. OMG. Man was created in the Image of the Creator. He can never be lost forever. He can only journey off the path. He must return to SOURCE, as that Source has ALL of His Creation accounted for. This is what Hillary wants to do when she is selected [through computer voting of the People] President. She wants to chip the chattel called persons, citizens and residents of the United States under Executive Order to show she is just like God. This way she can account for everything every person does. And if she don't like what that person is doing. The chip gets turned off. YAY!

One other further comment --- Not every soul can be or is receptive to this thinking. And there is good reason why it does not resonate with them. The soul is not ready. This is not a judgment of right or wrong but rather smiling and saying - all in good time - reassured! If you have not had the opportunity to listen to the Boris or Marcus series - take the time - if this topic resonates with you and see how these men attempt to bring you down the path slowly to a different realization.

Great post Moxie;

Sometimes the motivation is to make a claim upon somebody else's estate. Tapping stock, so to speak. This is almost always interpreted as a trespass and treated with criminal prosecution.