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Thread: Abraham Lincoln & Freemasonry

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  1. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    not to say "youre wrong" but I should point out that others believe nothing and consider a broader perspective than either/or.

    is it possible there is more than one?
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    When I used to buy and sell real estate - I learned from the "gurus" to make at least four offers on every potential deal. Most folks don't get any offer so when they get four they assume they have to choose one. And most times they do! Thus is the hero worship of this day. Where do the candidates come from - they simply seem to appear and we THINK we must choose from the available choices. But do we?
    The toughest thing for some might beto disengage emotionally or to disengage from 'polarizations'. After maybe 25 years of indoctrination and emotional affinities developing in any given society--mainly the idea that "this is your battle" or "you're on this side" (again 'default' choices and the presumption that you have to make a choice from the box of chocolates they hand), it might be a challenge to realize hey I really don't have to like or dislike you or you or you (consider someone pointing at his family, the enemies across the street, his society, everyone he knows). I figure that is what escapes most and what the Manipulators might fear the most, is you or I or anyone else making the choice other than to fear them other than to run from, other than to choice from the alleged "must choose-froms" but to simply vote them out of your life by ignoring their existence and arriving at a vision of them simply being non-existent or insignificant ("Satan was and is not.). [Note: the Manipulators seem to primarily engage in one form of Jui Jitsu or another (using the power you expend against them against you). Love your enemies, etc., perhaps ends/prevents any controversy)]

    All the books, propaganda ever aiming to keep one group or another in the minds of "the masses" (there is a term 'mindshare') might just be a way of drawing power from an unsuspecting audience. It took me two years to get someone to STOP reading about secret societies, Planet X , etc, etc. Ever notice some people can go on and on for ten years about one end of the world conspiracy have it fail and them two days after the fail date, they are in another "End of the World Club"? Its one thing to study for edification, enrichment or to edify or enrich others. Its another to be inundated and emotionally and mentally addicted and locked into paranoia.

    I knew of a witch who is secretly a witch and works at a place where she deals with hundreds if not thousands of people a week. She hated me, because she could neither control nor manipulate me--among other reasons I wouldn't take one of her 'sides' that she created whether it was among one clique or another or another. Regardless of what she may have ever said to anyone, she hated me because it was an insult to her ego for her snares to fail when it came to me. She became obsessed with me to the extent that she ultimately revealed to me that a terrible, vile, murderous psychopathology operating behind that pretty face. She became obsessed with possessing, owning or controlling me--as has been her obsession with anyone and everyone else. What she didn't realize is that I was being taught something through my interactions with her, seeing her methods and ways as a macroscopic reverberation of what one might see on the "international level" (on a smaller scale her, on a larger scale groups of witches, etc. acting in a cooperative manner).

    Disengaging: the idea of having it in your mind that God is bigger than the obstacle and the obstacle is gone (spiritual vision, by faith not by physical sight) --the obstacle could be said to 'flee' from you. Fight it, exalt it, you might give it power.

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    Related: Moses Was Not A Magician
    Last edited by allodial; 02-05-15 at 10:35 AM.
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