The great thing about public transit is the stops where you get on and where you get of when your sitting that close to the doors most verbal requests are give me your wallet or purse and that wall street journal might invest this windfall a guy sits down two guys are waiting to exit and well this my stop stand up when jr sits down he got sucker punched and his attitude was as brave as the beating random not raciest if he was stabbed a Black Dr fixes him up now what if you cant fight or flight never sit tight rip a shirt or poke a eye out them goggles are gold in a fist fight this crew has done this before. Who can you be when the shit hits the fan everybody gets a ride like this once in a life time or twice a month while your standin u could be landing if your sitting u wont be hittin.Only people who had a beating should know when to take one or share one fight back thats fair as it gets