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Thread: Adam, Satan, and the King of Tyre: The Interpretation of Ezekiel 28:11-19 in Late Ant

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  1. #11
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    That serpent kind of sounds like the Spinal Cord - and the Man kinda seems like the Mind and the woman Eve sort of seems like the Emotions. But that could not be especially when you consider that a loving God cursed all of humanity for eating some fruit. Of course you understand I write in jest.
    From: Daniel
    Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 4:02 PM
    To: mj@
    Subject: Gen 3


    I was reading 1Tim 2 last night which led me to Gen 3. I remember reading something you wrote on Gen 3, but not in detail. Was wondering if you had that study handy for review?

    There is something between the 2 passages that has my attention. Mainly the part where Eve is cursed with labor pains travail or whatever. I am trying to understand the metaphysical meaning of the correlation between the two passages.

    Blessings & Namaste,


    Response by MJ:

    I would like you to try to make the jump from fleshly understanding to try to see what is being reported in fleshly context is actually a report about the mental functions of the psyche and the realized self. I have written extensively on Gen 3. The woman in her glorified status [spirit] has taken her leave of the carnal mind of hue-mankind. She is in every living soul - and she is now Emotion. The Mind Adam must be considered in the Higher Self and the Lower Self. In the lower self the Mind Adam intercourses the Emotion Eve and she brings forth the desires of our heart. Therefore she brings forth under her own struggle. For she always brings the fruit to Adam [the mind] and the mind makes it so.

    Therefore many are the children of desolation. Her children are not external to the male form. For the body in form [male or female] has nothing to do with the men and women [adam/eve] that dwell within each of us. The reason why Isis went searching for the penis of Osiris should be obvious to you at this point. It is not a religion, it is a Myth that is told too in the Bible but in different form.

    When you understand the function of the penis, then you will come to see that it is what issues forth the seed. Therefore she is searching for the ability to impregnate her MIND so that we may ascend into higher consciousness. So that the children of God might be born. Don't you get it now? These women and men are aspects of yourself.

    The serpent spoke exactly 46 words to Eve in Gen 3. Why? No. of Chromosomes. What is being said in Genesis 1&2 is the regeneration of man from his fallen carnal status into a 7th day man - Celestial. In Genesis 5 both Adam and Eve are called Adam...."and He called their name Adam". Question everything especially the literal dogma. When you come to see that Cain and Abel are within you, then you will no longer be left trying to decide if this event happened or not. It happens everyday Billions of times per day. Cain is a tiller of the ground - he forms religions/states. And therefore the "people of Cain" or those who occupy in the city [of consciousness] are subject to this type of mindset. Abel is also there, but the Cain in you always seeks to kill Abel when those type of Abel thoughts appear. For we want what we want and we will do what it takes to satiate our emotional delusions.

    I know I am asking you to take a big leap, but try if you can. I mean Jesus himself said "flesh and blood will not enter into the Kingdom" - and yet folks go on and on about the "blood". Isn't it time to realize what is really being said? And what the blood symbolically represents? With what utter Genius is the Bible written! The carnal mind is totally blind to the Spiritual teachings embedded and stored up for the day when the Father decides the child is ready. Remember Gen 1&2. And Galations 4.

    Gal 4:1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
    Gal 4:2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
    Gal 4:3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:
    Gal 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

    Commentary: Now consider that the son of God is born of God. And specifically born into you by the virgin woman [Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Michal, Mary]. Now read this:

    1Jn 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

    Commentary: Now don't let your carnality run wild thinking to yourself [ego] that you are "born from the Spirit above" so that you are good to go. Carnality does not inherit the Kingdom. The sons of God are the "thoughts of God". The daughters of God are the "desires of God". And since God dwells in the Temple of Man's Consciousness, then I shall have no other God's before Me.

    1Jn 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

    Commentary: The devil is adversary of God, so what are the children [thoughts and desires]. And what is being said is the difference between the Christ Self and the Carnal Self. And this leads us back to Eve and Chapter 3. The aspect in you that is Eve [Emotion] began to listen [observe] from the central nervous system via the Spine [the golden candlestick]. And She urged Adam, your mind, to act. This is a SKISM apart from the Tree of Life which is NOT in man's intellect.

    Remember Jesus commanded "fish out of the Right" and science has discovered that the intellect of man is left brain activity - of which we use 10% - and this my friend is the tithe!

    Consider the absurdity of a "loving God" putting physical flesh into pain to bring forth physical children just because two ate of forbidden fruit. It is totally absurd. And you will remain in this absurd dogma until you realize that these two eating is a story of every choice that you have and will ever make. Now the question is how was the decision made? In your own will or did you go seeking the Will of Father? Did you die to your Carnal Self [flesh] awaiting the impulse of intuition [Angel] dispatched as envoy from the Throne Room of the MIND.

    For the Son sits in the RIGHT SIDE - a High Priest [an office]. And it is this House of which there exists a closed door at the top of the winding stairs on the RIGHT.

    1Ki 6:8 The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house: and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third.

    Commentary: Quit looking for the garden EAST in Eden. Eden is your consciousness and the garden is East [Right]. You have been locked out of the Garden and Carnality cannot enter. So what will you do ? Will you carry your 20 lb Bible around or do you have enough Faith to follow the instruction of Jesus CHRIST who said "Come, the room is already fully furnished."

    It is a question of Faith. What do you trust more? Your own experience or intellect or the Divine Spirit within each and every one of us? We cannot collectively answer this question. Why not?

    Consider the wonder observation by Carl Jung who said that one realized soul is greater than one million souls who blindly submit to the rule of a dictator. What do you see when you look around? When you stop and really think about it what you see is what is going on exactly in your own head! You might say preposterous, you don't know me and that is true. But consider, do your thoughts serve you or do you serve your thoughts? Consider also your emotion and your flesh. Have you "girded your loins?" Meaning have you subdued your sexual lusts. In other words, what aspect of you is in control?

    Many will never even think to ask such a question for they have never considered the "city of consciousness". Why not? For they are as Cain - killing the Spirit - and undertaking to "build the City" into their image and desires - of Carnality. See now why the Woman brings forth in pain? For the woman is your emotional nature. Now consider whereof is the "seed" which impregnates the woman to bring forth the child?

    Have you never wondered at the constant advertising. These are seeds. But where is the farmer [husbandman] within you? Why isn't he removing the undesirable seed? Why is the "garden of Eden" full of weeds? Well you now have the answer. Because the Cain aspect of you is too busy building the "BEAST" - which is the city of Carnality. Said city is subject to man's lusts, greed, and fear. Look around what do you see?

    Have you ever wondered at language. Cain went off to NOD and fell fast asleep. He is dead in the Spirit. These are the types of men/women who only see with literal eyes. Jesus asked "do you have eyes to see".

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 07-24-15 at 11:07 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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