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Thread: Jack the Ripper the Freemason (The Hidden Truth)

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  1. #17
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Oh I see. The argument is centered on the Greek term. And to that end you are right on the money. But even the Encyclopedia Judaica mentions that the so called Jews were never part of true Israel. And for that matter were never in bondage in Egypt. To that end does it really matter?

    To get caught up in the physical people who occupy upon a land mass is, in my opinion, to miss the true meaning. For the true Israel is not geographical or physical but it is a Spiritual Commonwealth. Thus to be a Judean resident in Jerusalem is to be either in subject to the lower nature or to be born of the Spirit above - for Jerusalem above is the mother of us all.

    I see your point now.

    According to the literal interpretation of the Bible, their God told Abraham's descendants they have a land claim; according to the Koran, their God told their folks to go take it back. So the people in their literal interpretations go to war in service to their war God who seeks to kill those who oppose The Will - sounds like a loving God to me. Of course I jest. I await the day when men begin to see that what is being said is everyman has an ability to enter in upon Jerusalem Above and become a Jew sitting in the East. Where said man is located on the Earth matters not one iota. Nevertheless, the bloody campaign wages on in desperation - when will the fighting cease?

    There is no doubt brother that the Bible and other holy books have been tampered with by the scribes. Thusly, as I know you can appreciate one should perform their own due diligence. I believe King James gave such a warning in the cover letter of the 1611.

    From G2448 (in the sense of G2455 as a country); udaean, that is, belonging to Jehudah:

    Therefore the term Jew was used to describe those of the bloodline of Judah [Yehudah] and ALSO those who were residents in the city of Judea. Obviously, there is room for confusion when one speaks to residence. For instance, look who settled so called "The United States of America". But today ask any resident of the United States of America if they are American or not and most likely the response will be "Yes, I am a United States citizen".

    Are the residents today in so called United States of America all of the original bloodline of the settlors? Of course not. Are they not nevertheless resident?

    I completely comprehend the nature of those who claim to be of the bloodline of Judah but do lie. But consider what that is telling you about yourself for a moment. Where does Judah sit? These in a sense take the Kingdom by Force. We would like to think that this is someone different from us because we would never do that - but in fact we do it all the time. Unfortunately it is in our very nature to control our environment.

    The question remains of said control: is it per the Direction of the Kingdom of God or under our own will? Thusly, we see many a man who claims "God wills it"? To that end Father exclaims:

    Isaiah 1:10 Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah

    Why is Isaiah speaking to rulers and peoples of a place that was supposed to be destroyed? Unless he speaks to a mind-set.

    Isaiah 1:12 When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?

    Here is sadness as I hear folks all the time declaring - I can't wait to go to Jerusalem - as if appearing in some city on the face of the Earth is going to get one even one step closer to God. Sad indeed. For those who read a literal interpretation actually sacrificed and will continue to sacrifice God's beautiful animals. Or for that matter appearing in church on Saturday or Sunday singing and swaying with arms raised. Giving Pastor 10% of their hard earned income. It is a waste of time.

    I will assemble myself only upon true believers who actually do the Word. And I will never give one dime to any Pastor who seeks to sell The Way. It is free and it does not cost one cent to enter in Today.

    Isaiah 1:11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.

    Psalms 40:6 Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.

    Yet when man in his control madness declares God wills it or it is the law of God - then weak man bows in ignorance under the thumb of those who are full of hatred. Let a man call himself what he desires - a Jew or a Greek or American - to what end does it profit? Yet, clearly one claiming a "special status" with God does so with one goal - Self Promotion. God is not a Jew, a Greek, an American or any nationality.

    I see little good coming forth out of Nationality. I see only war and strife being understood by bankers posing as government in the name of State - talk about Terror. Thusly, I fight earnestly against the idea of identification thru Statehood.

    For Christ is ALL and IN ALL. God is not a respecter of Persons.

    This just popped in my head....

    Best Regards,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 08-18-15 at 11:47 PM.
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