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Thread: What Options Am I Left With? (Did Not R4C or Send Back Traffic Citations)

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  1. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    MShort version: I was pulled over for no plate. Asked if I was being detained, told no, and therefore did not provide any of the paperwork (license, registration, insurance, none of which existed anyway.)
    Lack of a plate or US DOT # on a car is akin to lack of a flag on a ship at sea--pirate status presumed. Roads are treated as 'rivers' and the term 'road' it is suggested originally was used to describe a river used heavily for commercial purposes.

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    I was traveling home from work in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in my personal conveyance. I have never been "licensed," never registered /plated my car though I did it have it titled to my NAME in the STATE to prove ownership, and I carried no paperwork/ID, etc.
    Titles and such are likely only issue to 'residents'. The term 'personal conveyance' is not synymous with 'private automobile'. Law dictionaries are extremely handy. Once you titled it, you placed the owner and the property "in this State" and likely subscribed to a whole kit of rules and regulations all at the same time.

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    LEO3: Ok, your car is going to be LiveStopped.
    Me: This is private property.
    You registered it as a resident in the State, it might not actually be private property based on your own confession.

    LEO Sgt: I don't care what you think you're doing, driving is not a right is a privilege.
    Me: I'm traveling by personal conveyance. I am not driving.
    LEO Sgt: You're behind the wheel, you are operating this vehicle.
    Me: Please read the paper I handed the other officer.
    LEO Sgt: I don't care about this (hands paper back.)
    Me: Am I being detained?
    LEO Sgt: You are not being detained but we will tow this car.
    Me: Am I free to leave?
    LEO Sgt: No
    Me: May I speak to a supervisor?
    LEO Sgt: Negative. I'm in charge of the streets. You won't speak to anyone else. I run the streets, not you.
    #1 conveyance is a term that refers to titles, property assignments --you're driving inside of a title claim?
    #2 operating tends to have something to do with commercial activity
    #3 LEO Sgt's colorful way of saying that he is a magistrate but at the same time likely a city employee and the city taught him to place his city employment higher than the state peace officer (magistrate) role. "constables on patrol" or "conservators of the peace" ~= "cop".

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    **One note about "ownership" of the car, that may or may not be relevant to the State's power to 'take' it. It was not registered to any State at the time, but the previous owner had it registered prior. It was titled with the State in an attempt to show ownership to me. It was also not bought by me with commercial money, it was gifted and there is paperwork to show that. However, the original owner likely paid in FRD or something in that vein, so I'm not sure if there are lien issues here.
    When it comes to State Certificates of Title and mail boxes, the term 'owner' means surety. If it is registered in the State's system as owned by a resident of the State than it is not necessarily private property in the sense you might think.

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    He ignores my request, and tells me that if I don't tell him my identity they simply put me in as JOHN DOE. They will also fingerprint me because they are sure I'll be in the system and I am hiding from something (I had nothing to hide.) He says I could be an international "T" (word I won't even type in a web post) for all they know, hiding out in the area. He states that I'll sit there until Monday as JOHN DOE (its Wed night and I guess he's making it seem like the weekend doesn't count toward holding regulations.) I said I'll sit there until Monday as JOHN DOE if that's an option. He assures me "no one leaves as JOHN DOE," and walks off.
    Cops are taught all kinds of silly and paradoxical ideas because without the presumptive structure the attorneys wouldn't profit as much. But when you're in training the peer support and fancy forms make it all seem legitimate.

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    He returns again, this time with a photo of a relative with the same LAST NAME. They have apparently run the VIN# on my car and found the NAME it was titled to.
    See above about the effect of registration of property as being in the State and owned by a resident.

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    They called a third family member who lives there who's phone number they had on file, and she, from what I can assume, gave my name based on my car's description.
    Family members and 'old friends' can be most useful assistant prison wardens. If you pause to think about it, there is a similarity between the role of police and forest wardens ('animal control'). "Oh sh*t, another one is waking up. That could effect how much money we have to go to the casino next week..."

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    They pulled my photo from a long expired STATE ID, and used it as a means to identify me. I at no time state whether it is or isn't me. He leaves.
    How can pixels on a screen be you?

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    I tried to look up what is needed to be done for a proper R4C, as well as any other remedy, but I did not find sufficient information to take a proper course of action within 72 hours (keep in mind the entire next day was spent getting my car back, and I also have a job and family to attend to.)
    If you notified them that you'd be reserving your rights then you could conceivably notify them of that. But there are things that preceeded that night that you didn't take care of. I wouldn't take an adverse stance towards the cops. Instead, consider the paper trail you created or failed to create to help swing things in your favor.

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    Since my car was LiveStopped, it was also impounded. I had 30 days to get it back before it was auctioned off. I call to find out where it is, and what I need to do to get it back. I am told that I will be required to bring valid registration, proof of insurance, and pay any outstanding fines, as well as either have a license or bring along someone that does when I get to the lot.
    All of those 'requirements' probably are contracted into per the registration of the 'motor vehicle'.

    Quote Originally Posted by James NoMiddle View Post
    I have not taken any additional action since. I would like to rescind everything I signed as well as unregister the car. The big problem there is obviously that even if I correct everything with my status before another traffic stop, I would still be subject to a LiveStop and would again have my car forcibly impounded, thus forced to pay fines and fees to get it back. I have a few ideas on how to do this in unorthodox ways that I've been picking up here and there (register it somewhere/somehow other than with the STATE if possible, get "financial responsibility" taken care of through means other than an insurance agency, and possible get some form of international "license" that does not bind me to STATE/US UCC regulation.) However, local LEOs would likely just LiveStop me without some sort of STATE issued paperwork stating that I can Travel in this manner. But that's what future study and applied actions will correct later.
    Some caution against taking action when lacking wisdom. Knowing/deciding who you are is most fundamental. Anyways its worth figuring out:

    1. Are Certificates of Title ever issued to non-residents?
    2. Are State ID cards or State driver's licenses ever issued to non-resident?
    3. What does 'surety' mean?
    4. What is an 'adhesion contract'?
    5. What is the difference between a police officer, a conservator of the peace and a peace officer?
    6. What is the difference between policy enforcement and law enforcement?
    7. What is the difference between a municipal corporation, a city and a county?
    8. What is the difference between residential, commercial and private property?
    Last edited by allodial; 11-15-15 at 01:12 AM.
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