Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
Keep the transaction amount private.

OK, now something useful maybe? I have noticed that very early land purchases were still recorded at the court house, but all the info that was given was, 'for $20 in gold coin and other valuable considerations'. I have asked about un-recording the land. I was told at the recorders office, first it had to be recorded, so I asked for the law, came back a bit later and they said they were wrong, no obligation to record. So I asked how to un-record, they told me the only way they knew was to sell it, record that, then buy it back and do not record that sell. I also see how 'owner of record' would be unobtainable. Are these property taxes just one commercial fraud for the fee for the recording?
Usually the "tax collectors" seek out the last registered "owner" to collect the tax. What would protect the party who you sold it to, and then bought it back from, and then did not record that sell, from being sought after for the tax that will not go unpursued?