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Thread: The East India Company: The Original Corporate Raiders

  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    The Fiat dollar is not based on just Faith, it is backed by Indentures from your ancestors that are UNPAID...
    The fiat dollar (meaning the FRN) is based on floating debentures over persons and things in the district.

    Re: Vicars of Christ
    Vicar means "instead of" as if Christ or God were dead or absent. Who needs a vicar for someone that is alive and present? Errant AFAIK is the idea that Rome-Babylon defeated Yeshua the Anointed and took over the entire Judahite/Davidic estate and co-regency is contrary to the scriptures (he asserted that the only reason they were able to have at him is because the Father allowed it as part of a plan--he knew what they would do and they played into their own bloodlust). According to the scriptures, the kingdom is conferred on the saints and Christ. A proper grasp on the divine council paradigm, (pre- 70 A.D. concepts of) merkaba and the OT throne motifs (I'm not talking about any post 70AD Talmudic or any Kaballistic writings on Merkaba but the book of Ezekiel, Psalms 82 and the like instead) blows all confusion and boggle out of the water (Eph. 1 & 2). Even the Centurion who had his daughter healed remotely had a firmer grasp on this than others in his day. The strong impression is that the Idumeans or Roman System perceived some kind of co-regency of Yeshua/Jesus with the one named at Exodus 3:14 and figure they owned it as a result of crucifixion/conquest ('capture the society, capture their god'--remember Simon Magus tried to make a purchase of divine power)--thus the mocking signage "King of the Judeans" (what was related to me was that the signage was done because it was intended as a form of 'finalization of conquest'--to somehow seize and possess the Davidic co-regency -> Essau/Edom vs. Jacob/Israel). No doubt, Pilate like his Centurion underling got the gist of this and so he wanted no part of it.

    The history of wide-spread killing of non-Roman-Catholic saints/believers perfect makes sense as part of an orchestrated, fully-conscious effort against the divine council's activities on the planet--MEANING THAT SOMEONE IS FULLY AWARE OF WHAT THEY DOING to the extent that are specifically targeting heirs. As things move forward, it is very likely that many will start to see such intense outpourings and manifestations of divine power through the saints.

    According to scripture, Jesus Christ and the saints have been in session since the ascension ~30 A.D. Scripturally, such authority was never concentrated in a single man or European or Asian or African monarch or king. 30 A.D. was long before Constantine's time.

    BTW, last year or so, a scriptural based spiritual warfare group began praying and interceding to remove witchcraft and sorcery from their region, within a few weeks I noticed that a prominent building associated with a very well-known society went up for sale. It struck me as being far from mere coincidence.

    Rome and Persia's Secret
    In the 2015 Christmas episode of Arrow, in a casual conversation one character explains Christmas to someone from another reality: that it is a celebration of killing Jesus Christ (of dismissing him--of his (dis)MISSAL)! One might figure she didn't mean what she said but that is what many have said before including but not limited to the creator of a site ( about Christmas that is heavily censored. I believe there are very upstanding folks who are Roman Catholics, Protestants and non-Protestants. It may be that some organizations are prone to corruptions that must necessarily be dealt with one way or another.

    Every year Nativity Scenes promoting worship and adoration of statutes of the baby Jesus in the manger. Likely, a baby in a manger is a lot easier to handle than a fully-grown divine co-regent with a scepter in his hand along with thousands if not millions sharing the co-regency with him. It has been suggested that tearing of the veil meant tearing of the 'protective shield' between the presence of God and those who perpetrated regicide against the divine council: judgement.

    Re: Iran and Christmas
    Despite all of the fuss about Iran: Christmas trees are put up around December 25th in Iran. Someone shared photos with me. No surprise, if you know where the Christmas tree originated (Persia)! It was illegal to celebrate Christmas in United states of America for the longest time (just maybe because celebrating regicide against the divine council was highly frowned upon and regarded to be abhorrent?)

    Re: Isaiah 63
    There are those who glean from Isaiah 63 that the text suggests the Messiah in the nativity sense coming from Edom. The impression I get is that the figure's robes is traveling from Edom and his robes are stained with blood because he just Edom visited judgement upon Edom.

    For your {you = Edom/Esau afaik} violence against your brother Jacob shame shall cover you , and you shall be cut off for ever. In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots on Jerusalem, even you were as one of them. But you should not have looked on the day of your brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither should you have spoken proudly in the day of distress. Obadiah 1:10-12
    While there may have been Idumeans/Edomites who sincerely became Judahites (then they would have become Judahites rather than Idumeans), Obadiah 1:10-12 is referring to Edom. I am very much reminded of the Idumeans helping Rome and Ptolemy (who was over Egypt at the time, thus highly suggestive of "king of the south") with the seiges of Jeruslem, Israel and Judah from 130AD to 70AD. At that time, were not the Idumeans as "one of them" as in allegedly part of Judah and also as "one of them" among the strangers laying siege around 70AD? Did not the Roman soldiers cast lots at the crucifixion? Were not the Herodians and company considering how they would divvy up Judah and Israel? Is Edom doing the same thing to the saints this very day? (Related: Has the world ‘looked the other way’ while Christians are killed?; 100 Years Ago, 1.5 Million Christian Armenians Were Systematically Killed. Today, It’s Still Not A ‘Genocide’; Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union).

    War Against the Saints
    War against the saints might just be intended to be war against the divine council. If the book of Enoch has any validity, then it might be giving clues as to who or whose progeny would have the propensity to wage such a war.
    Last edited by allodial; 05-03-16 at 12:33 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #52
    The image of the spiritual world in physical institutions, that is, the state which exists here on earth, but which is really an image of heavenly facts and personalities, but not a true image. Justified platitudes, physical institutions or imperialism as within the world of platitudes everything can be affirmed. Therefore the inner impulse to imperialism exists. People observe things very superficially. The king's will is sublime law what did it mean? It meant that he expressed himself in the age of platitudes. In MANS first society it was really the case that the ruler's will was highest law. The concept of rights, which includes the right of free speech, BUT involves lawyers and courts, is essentially a characteristic of that highest CROWNED law. Now just the legal platitudes.or aspects and words appear,IMAGE OF CROWN one can argue and discuss what are rights and the legal system in public discourse.There is no Canon Law absent Divine Law.
    In the age of the platitudes,everything can be affirmed however, understanding of what is necessary for rights in society is completely lost: on that the spiritual kingdom shines through into the physical kingdom is the two thieves on the cross Christ is that balance evident that one thief representing materialistically and physical law and bad choices and redemption is still a choice. Platitudes this definition of the law is Woodrow Wilson's “The law is the will of the state in respect to those citizens who are bound by it.” So the state unfolds a will! One can well imagine that someone who is embedded so strongly in abstract idealism, not to mention materialism — for they are practically the same — can claim that the state is supposed to have a will. He would have to have lost all sense of reality to even conceive of such a thing let alone write it down. But it is in this book the codex of platitudes: The State, Elements of Historical and Practical Politics.
    Wilson also says in this book he German Empire after he describes how the efforts to found it were finally successful in 1870/71. “The final incentive for achievement of complete national unity was brought about by the German-French war of 1870/71. Prussia's brilliant success in this struggle, fought in the interest of German patriotism against French impertinence, caused the cool restraint of the central states towards their powerful neighbor in the north to end; they united with the rest of Germany and the German Empire was founded in the royal palace at Versailles on January 18, 1871.” The same man wrote that who a short time later in Versailles united with those whose impertinence had once been the motivation for the founding of the German Empire. Much of present day public opinion derives from the fact that people are so terribly superficial and pay no attention to the facts. If you decide to decide according to objective information, then things look quite different from what is propounded in public and accepted by thousands upon thousands of people. It wouldn't have hurt one bit if when Woodrow Wilson arrived in Paris in glory, praised from all sides, if these remarks had been held up to him. to take the facts into account, which means also the truth.

    Catholic Church Cannon solidifies into a kind of spiritual imperialism, as for example in the 11th century when the Monks of Cluny [Cluny Abbey] really ruled over Europe more than is thought. From their ranks the powerful, imperialistic Pope Gregory VII emerged. Therefore Roman Catholic dogma enables the priest to feel greater than Christ, because he can force him to be present at the altar. This clearly shows that the institution of the Catholic Church is a relic, as that image of what once existed is Mans very first imperialism.
    This new economic imperialism Woodrow Wilson would no longer speak of the will of the
    Church, but he speaks of the will of the State as being self-evident. But the state only had the importance attributed to it from this relic Whereas once Church was all-powerful, Now the state contains everything that was attributed to the Church.

    Thus the economic imperialism Crown
    this concept of the state must take the same road the concept of the Church has traveled. a mere rights institution, and force everything else into this rights institution, just as the Church has kingdom of platitudes under which only economic imperialism glimmers The economy is auto- administered, the political state is no longer the absolute, all-inclusive entity, but is exclusively concerned with rights alone, and spiritual/cultural life is truly free,
    Suddenly from the imperialism of platitudes comes the idea that it would be good if the queen of England also has the title “Empress of India.” One can invent the most beautiful reasons for this, but if it didn't happen, nothing would have changed. The Emperor of Austria, who now belongs to the deposed royalty, before he was chased out carried around along with his other titles a most unusual one: Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slovenia, Galizia, Lodomeria, Illyia and so on. Among all these titles was also “King of Jerusalem!” The Austrian Emperor also carried, until he was no longer emperor, the title “King of Jerusalem.” It came from the crusades. It would be impossible to give a better example of meaninglessness than this. And such meaninglessness plays a much greater role than you imagine. Constipated with platitudes. in certain sense we have reached the climax of platitudes.
    But the attraction for illusion is especially strong in the age of platitudes. We wish so to sweep away the seriousness of life. We avoid looking at the truth inherent in our evolution. How could people let themselves be deceived by Wilsonian ideas if they really had the intense desire for truthful clarity? It must come. The desire for truth must grow in humanity. Above all, we desire for the liberation of spiritual/cultural life must grow along with the knowledge a Man who has not grasped “My kingdom is not of this world.” not physical invisible of material .
    kingdom of Christ must become an invisible kingdom, a truly invisible empire, an empire of which one speaks as of invisible things. Spiritual people speak of this empire. Not some church, not some state, not some economic empire can create this empire. Only the will of the individual who lives a liberated spiritual/cultural life can create this empire. A platitude is a trite, meaningless, or prosaic statement, generally directed at quelling social, emotional, or cognitive unease.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    The image of the spiritual world in physical institutions, that is, the state which exists here on earth, but which is really an image of heavenly facts and personalities, but not a true image. Justified platitudes, physical institutions or imperialism as within the world of platitudes everything can be affirmed. Therefore the inner impulse to imperialism exists. People observe things very superficially. The king's will is sublime law what did it mean? It meant that he expressed himself in the age of platitudes. In MANS first society it was really the case that the ruler's will was highest law. The concept of rights, which includes the right of free speech, BUT involves lawyers and courts, is essentially a characteristic of that highest CROWNED law. Now just the legal platitudes.or aspects and words appear,IMAGE OF CROWN one can argue and discuss what are rights and the legal system in public discourse.There is no Canon Law absent Divine Law.
    In the age of the platitudes,everything can be affirmed however, understanding of what is necessary for rights in society is completely lost: on that the spiritual kingdom shines through into the physical kingdom is the two thieves on the cross Christ is that balance evident that one thief representing materialistically and physical law and bad choices and redemption is still a choice. Platitudes this definition of the law is Woodrow Wilson's “The law is the will of the state in respect to those citizens who are bound by it.” So the state unfolds a will! One can well imagine that someone who is embedded so strongly in abstract idealism, not to mention materialism — for they are practically the same — can claim that the state is supposed to have a will. He would have to have lost all sense of reality to even conceive of such a thing let alone write it down. But it is in this book the codex of platitudes: The State, Elements of Historical and Practical Politics.
    Wilson also says in this book he German Empire after he describes how the efforts to found it were finally successful in 1870/71. “The final incentive for achievement of complete national unity was brought about by the German-French war of 1870/71. Prussia's brilliant success in this struggle, fought in the interest of German patriotism against French impertinence, caused the cool restraint of the central states towards their powerful neighbor in the north to end; they united with the rest of Germany and the German Empire was founded in the royal palace at Versailles on January 18, 1871.” The same man wrote that who a short time later in Versailles united with those whose impertinence had once been the motivation for the founding of the German Empire. Much of present day public opinion derives from the fact that people are so terribly superficial and pay no attention to the facts. If you decide to decide according to objective information, then things look quite different from what is propounded in public and accepted by thousands upon thousands of people. It wouldn't have hurt one bit if when Woodrow Wilson arrived in Paris in glory, praised from all sides, if these remarks had been held up to him. to take the facts into account, which means also the truth.

    Catholic Church Cannon solidifies into a kind of spiritual imperialism, as for example in the 11th century when the Monks of Cluny [Cluny Abbey] really ruled over Europe more than is thought. From their ranks the powerful, imperialistic Pope Gregory VII emerged. Therefore Roman Catholic dogma enables the priest to feel greater than Christ, because he can force him to be present at the altar. This clearly shows that the institution of the Catholic Church is a relic, as that image of what once existed is Mans very first imperialism.
    This new economic imperialism Woodrow Wilson would no longer speak of the will of the
    Church, but he speaks of the will of the State as being self-evident. But the state only had the importance attributed to it from this relic Whereas once Church was all-powerful, Now the state contains everything that was attributed to the Church.

    Thus the economic imperialism Crown
    this concept of the state must take the same road the concept of the Church has traveled. a mere rights institution, and force everything else into this rights institution, just as the Church has kingdom of platitudes under which only economic imperialism glimmers The economy is auto- administered, the political state is no longer the absolute, all-inclusive entity, but is exclusively concerned with rights alone, and spiritual/cultural life is truly free,
    Suddenly from the imperialism of platitudes comes the idea that it would be good if the queen of England also has the title “Empress of India.” One can invent the most beautiful reasons for this, but if it didn't happen, nothing would have changed. The Emperor of Austria, who now belongs to the deposed royalty, before he was chased out carried around along with his other titles a most unusual one: Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slovenia, Galizia, Lodomeria, Illyia and so on. Among all these titles was also “King of Jerusalem!” The Austrian Emperor also carried, until he was no longer emperor, the title “King of Jerusalem.” It came from the crusades. It would be impossible to give a better example of meaninglessness than this. And such meaninglessness plays a much greater role than you imagine. Constipated with platitudes. in certain sense we have reached the climax of platitudes.
    But the attraction for illusion is especially strong in the age of platitudes. We wish so to sweep away the seriousness of life. We avoid looking at the truth inherent in our evolution. How could people let themselves be deceived by Wilsonian ideas if they really had the intense desire for truthful clarity? It must come. The desire for truth must grow in humanity. Above all, we desire for the liberation of spiritual/cultural life must grow along with the knowledge a Man who has not grasped “My kingdom is not of this world.” not physical invisible of material .
    kingdom of Christ must become an invisible kingdom, a truly invisible empire, an empire of which one speaks as of invisible things. Spiritual people speak of this empire. Not some church, not some state, not some economic empire can create this empire. Only the will of the individual who lives a liberated spiritual/cultural life can create this empire. A platitude is a trite, meaningless, or prosaic statement, generally directed at quelling social, emotional, or cognitive unease.

    A Post of many Pearls:

    Thus the economic imperialism Crown
    this concept of the state must take the same road the concept of the Church has traveled.
    Therefore Forgiveness is the difference between uniting church and state, or putting them to war with one another.

    Is not that the essence of Futurism - the idea that we get a seat on the bleachers being the LORD's special elect? The Great Tribulation will be spared us, we get to watch the show!

  4. #54
    Thus the economic imperialism Crown or physical guilt
    is a concept of the state so it must take the same road and the concept of the Church has traveled.The economy is auto- administered, the political state is no longer the absolute, all-inclusive entity, but is exclusively concerned with cannon rights alone,not devine our spiritual/cultural life is truly free, forgiveness 101 forgive them statesman for they know what they do.TRUMP the TRUTH

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Thus the economic imperialism Crown or physical guilt
    is a concept of the state so it must take the same road and the concept of the Church has traveled.The economy is auto- administered, the political state is no longer the absolute, all-inclusive entity, but is exclusively concerned with cannon rights alone,not devine our spiritual/cultural life is truly free, forgiveness 101 forgive them statesman for they know what they do.TRUMP the TRUTH
    There is one thing to extract something from the Bible and implement it. It is another to project into the Bible something that is not there.

    Quote Originally Posted by xparte
    The image of the spiritual world in physical institutions, that is, the state which exists here on earth, but which is really an image of heavenly facts and personalities, but not a true image.
    If one people has a sky full if Nimrod, war and mammon how can the resulting "earth below" be for them patterned after a heaven full of the divine council ruled by the one named at Exodus 3:14? Different constellations, different models, different outcomes?

    Name:  5abbc909f45dd0feaba78182d779e80a.jpg
Views: 406
Size:  44.4 KB

    P.S. It has dawned one me that the crescent moon with the centered star is much like a bow and arrow with the star being where the grip on the bow or the tail of the bow would be. It is said that Qos was the name of the god the Edomites worshiped. One of Herod the Great's key governors (placed over Idumea by Herod) was named Costobarus (which means something like Qos is mighty). Qos is said to be mean 'bow' or to be the 'god of storms'. Qos/Kaus reminds of the word 'chaos'. Its worth noting, the Idumeans were still mindful of Qos worship even in Herod the Great's time. Was not Esau a hunter like Nimrod?
    Last edited by allodial; 05-04-16 at 03:35 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #56
    There is one thing to extract something from the Bible and implement it. It is another to project into the Bible something that is not there. The Catholic Church isn't in the bible but the war started in heaven and as above so bellow with a DEMOCRATIC Demonstration [LUCIFER] the DEMOCRATIC french, via medieval Latin from Greek d?mokratikos, from d?mokratia (see democracy). , from Greek demotikos "of or for the common people, in common use," from demos "common people," originally "district," from PIE *da-mo- "division," from root *da- "to divide" (see tide). In contrast to hierarchic. Originally of the simpler of two forms of ancient Egyptian writing; from Middle French démocratie (14c.), "popular government," from demos "common people," originally "district" (see demotic), + kratos "rule, strength" (see -cracy).
    Democracy implies that the man must take the responsibility for choosing his rulers and representatives, and for the maintenance of his own 'rights' against the possible and probable encroachments of the government which he has sanctioned to act for him in public matters. [Ezra Pound, "ABC of Economics," 1933](see demotic),or demonic perhaps the hierarchic.pertaining to sacred things," 1660s, from Latin hieraticus, from Greek hieratikos "pertaining to a priest or his office, priestly, devoted to sacred purposes," from hierateia "priesthood," from hiereus "priest," from hieros "sacred, holy, hallowed; superhuman, mighty; divine" (see ire). Related: Hieratical (1650s).It would be for them patterned after a heaven full of the divine council ruled by the one named at Exodus 3:14? Different constellations, different models, different outcomes?Christ ended that war in heaven .we were made flesh physical guilt is conscience .The true image of heaven is its no democracy thats my point Cannon added nothing to the bible i can only speak on this kingdom of platitudes It is another to project into the Bible something that is not there. a bible was presented too heaven the image of the spiritual world in our physical institutions, that is, the state which exists here on earth, but which is really an image of heavenly facts and personalities, but not a true image.Christ is the true image minus all heavenly facts and personalities fallen ones. the rapture and anything democratic lodi i have no doubt the Different constellations, different models, different outcomes? are all the heavenly facts and personalities we are created images good and bad originally "district," from PIE *da-mo- "division," from root *da- "to divide" (see tide). My observational kingdom is without agency.

  7. #57
    ?Online Etymology Dictionary my source forgiveness

    Etymologies are not definitions; they're explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded 600 or 2,000 years ago.

    The basic sources of this work are Weekley's "An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English," Klein's "A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language," "Oxford English Dictionary" (second edition), "Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology," Holthausen's "Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Englischen Sprache," and Kipfer and Chapman's "Dictionary of American Slang." A full list of print sources used in this compilation can be found here.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Thus the economic imperialism Crown or physical guilt
    is a concept of the state so it must take the same road and the concept of the Church has traveled.The economy is auto- administered, the political state is no longer the absolute, all-inclusive entity, but is exclusively concerned with cannon rights alone,not devine our spiritual/cultural life is truly free, forgiveness 101 forgive them statesman for they know what they do.TRUMP the TRUTH


    Conversing with a trust expert, he questioned my Process Server's loyalty - How could I trust them? It was the intonation of the authority - being that the breach, waiting a month to serve the US Supreme Court opened up my authority. In words though, I explained how I could "trust" frightened people to behave in certain ways consistently. An hour and a half after closing, the process server came through sending my witness, eyes and evidence. This is the Patroon minutes for my Trustee character for the Resulting Trust. You want to save this to your disk:

    Name:  U S  Supreme court affidavit.jpg
Views: 412
Size:  196.3 KB

  9. #59
    Those that aim to profit from guilt and carnal persons would aim to benefit from obscuring true and sound doctrine: imagine being given power, wisdom and hedges which help you avoid the generation of, say, "bad karma" or "bad mojo" for yourself (whether in respect of your inner and immediate biosphere, any biological contracts, social-political sphere or otherwise) and in general help you steer clear of trouble and to keep trouble away from you. Now, those that would aim to profit from ensnaring you (don't hunters tend to be competent with snares and such?) of course probably wouldn't want you to be aware of such doctrine and might even make a point to entice you as much as possible with counterfeits. However, as they say: "You can't keep a good man down." The pushing of counterfeits has ulterior motive: maintaining a captive audience--the opposite direction of liberty.

    "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." --Matthew 11:30
    The true walk isn't about guilt. Its about liberty, abundance, joy, wisdom, freedom from the law of sin and death. The bad propaganda against the true doctrine seems to moreso benefit men hunters, keeping folks carnal, vulgar, profane and in the dark might be a strategy for maintaining a supple of two-legged livestock, eh? And on that note, specialists at manipulating carnal crowds probably prefer democracy based on simple majority votes.
    Last edited by allodial; 05-04-16 at 01:28 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    There is one thing to extract something from the Bible and implement it. It is another to project into the Bible something that is not there.

    Thank you once again Allodial. I believe you validate my point about Prosbul (Papal Bull).

    P.S. I may have meant xparte - but you are both great! It seems to me that you both have separate doors to the same library some times.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-04-16 at 03:11 PM.

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