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Thread: Why the Angels Rebelled: A Perspective

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  1. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Nebuchadnezzar? But he cultivated the cream for seventy years, fashioned it into his image, and returned it to the Land.
    I wonder who his heir or successor might be today....

    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    SS put about 2,500 Catholic priest to death because those Catholic priest
    resisted the power of the Jesuits SS/ The History of Romanism: from the Earliest Corruptions
    Pastor John Dowling quotes in the Latin the destruction of the
    right to private judgment in reading the scriptures and the liberty of the press
    is forbidden a bible belt baptist he is no Romantic
    but a Protestant used to be someone who
    protested the papal power and who believe the Bible to be the final
    authority of faith and practice these were deemed heretics by the Vatican and
    determined to be killed the term liberal includes Roman Catholics who believe
    freedom of speech and freedom of the press because there are some Catholics
    who believe that there are some priests who believe that. The last general
    counsel which is written in 1845 this decree with prohibition and penalty for freedom of press or liberal reading of the scriptures this liberalism has
    never been repealed the Pope today whenever any Pope takes the oath of
    being Pope he swears to uphold the Council of Trent decreed that the Word of God was not the Word of God Jerome's Latin
    Vulgate the Vatican Vulgarity .My disappointing views are not against Catholicism or Protestantism just the control that any Scrutiny unfolds
    Both the orthodox Christians and the non-Roman-Catholics were divided into two camps: as to who was going to go along with the Nazi plan (see Confessing Church (during Nazi Germany) or Confession Movementand Barmen Declaration). Relevantly, Pius XI died shortly after coming out against the Nazi regime.

    Pius XI planned an encyclical Humani generis unitas (The Unity of the Human Race) to denounce racism in the US, Europe and elsewhere, as well as antisemitism, colonialism and violent German nationalism. He died without issuing it. (source)
    P.S. If you look at the USA and UK today, the same kind of division is being attempted. Except they might skip that and just go wit the Ishmael vs Isaac--I mean Islam vs. Israelites/orthodox Christians.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-07-16 at 01:14 AM.
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