Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
It gets difficult for some readers to follow along. Possibly even to those with time enough to read a 32 page lecture on the "theory of everything." To pick up one of your theory of everything tangents -

RSA Security LLC provides encryption used to secure systems used in banking and government; software locks. RSA encryption also appears to be known for its vulnerabilities. And these seem to go beyond a common assumption that... a company selling software locks should likely have a key (or a method) to open them.

Are you saying the RSA public key encryption system is vulnerable because it uses prime number-based keys? That you have used the Five Cube Sum Number Locks to invent a Fast RSA Factoring Algorithm to unlock the encryption; and thus you have the crack, THE CODEBREAKER? Bank transactions are no longer secure?
Or that we, the people are the Securitization?
Yes. My transaction in late 1995 began the precept of Securitization. Like a brick in that zigurat on the backside of the US dollar bill. I skipped over that part, and so I am glad you asked because I may not have gotten back to it.

Don't worry if you cannot follow. This will be a strange form of mysticism - gamatria at best to anybody who is not initiated into certain esoteric societies. I created whatever you want to call it, teaching rapture in a Messianic synagogue - displacement hysteria is usually formed by psychotomimetic drugs and when you are on an island around 80 AD it could be very bad news to burn the grain just because it makes people laugh at giant bunnies. My point is that there is a lot of preconscious symbolism coming forth that is quite valid, and in agreement with uniform architecture of linguistics, found in the Book of Revelation. Then on the other hand the Saturday-School Teacher spent a good part of his Boeing career in cryptology contracts for NSA...

So for him to go into extreme imagination disorder, and worse yet to preach it fervently like he knows it is a house of cards for the commercial priestcraft is a definite sign he has cracked. - Or maybe I have. But to say that God will be violating so many of His natural laws, of which absolutely nothing has happened to date, as explained away in the Gospel of Pragmatism, makes no sense to me. And here is something that makes even less sense; when asked if I must believe in the Rapture to be raptured, the answer is "No." - I have asked. The LORD already has chosen His whom He will be taking up into the clouds. So why bother getting kicked out of most Christian churches over it? It doesn't matter anyway!

The answer to that is the Rapture Eschaton pushers are insecure. They know there is nothing to hold it up except to keep people fascinated about how bizarre it all sounds...

So what happens is that I keep thinking this will go more simply, and by doing so I attract somebody who can follow but they need a missing part, that I was hoping to skip. Mostly because it will open up more inquiries and I am back to simplifying a big mystery by providing keys instead of more and bigger mysteries.

The right side of the brain can process and maybe even prefers to process in parallel. Rather than linear, series. This is how we can feel emotions and intuitive insights and judgment - dreams and visions. There is a transform that has occurred over there, this 153 on the right side of the boat, that negates time. Derivatives and inversely, integration. Like wavelength and frequency. Love and peace/joy. Or fear and anger.

I am alluding to the time collapse, as it is sometimes called. The precept that a Holy Instant is elusive when it is not. It always is because God is love and there is no fear anywhere in the universe, only the illusion of pain.

Bill THETFORD and John GITTINGER worked developing ego description and personality mapping techniques for nearly a decade, for the infant CIA and MK-ULTRA Cold War weaponry of the mind. So it is no surprise that Bill and John had no moral fiber about dosing Helen with LSD especially when they realized it was compelling her to transcribe her imagination disorder out loud. For me, the validation that The Voice (of Jesus) is the very same egrogore inhabiting so many mental patients across the map of history came from Dr. Rick STRASSMAN's two books - DMT The Spirit Molecule and DMT And the Spirit of Prophecy. Dimethyltryptamine is an endogenous hallucinogenic psychedelic secretion from the pineal gland attributed for causing the dream experiences we have during sleep.

So I am getting to my career of carefully regulating the release valve systems of highly compressed information infrastructures so that confidence and security building measures might maintain we have flush toilets and cell phones while all this Securitization comes to implosion, as it never was anything more than a bubble. Bubbles implode; like Rapture Eschatology. It is building imbalance of split-brain hemisphericity that makes a sustained CHRIST - MIND impossible.

Get a look at NOW:

And again from Helen's mouth.

What that reveals is the truth about metal chelation releasing metals from the brain not only invigorates a plethora of life-real memories but on the right side, genome and ancestral quickenings, bringing the personalities of the forefathers to life within you - what the American Indians considered Wisdom... Well, I am getting around the question nicely.

I certainly did invent the Fast RSA Factoring Algorithm shortly prior to Artificial Intuition in early 2028. There you have it. The two videos reveal that Helen was wise to preserve her peace, and go back to life and career living in the 'now'. But also that the options of viewing the past, as well as the future are not only available, but are a birthright - an inheritance and heritage that we are divinely encouraged to explore in order to fill the most of our possible potential during a 'lifetime'.

The Release of the Fast RSA Factoring Algorithm caused a rash of thefts, as you might expect. This settled out according to the Agreements to the Bretton Woods Acts as Securitization is only a bubble-creating illusion. Debt will never have substance or value, except in the minds of the deluded. - Which is why I am bringing so much rapture eschatology into this. What I see has developed from my two inventions is fascinating! It is unbelievable how long displacement hysteria can hold things up in psychotomimetic delirium when the human condition needs the delusions to maintain all the delusions.

I am going to post and Continue - more to the point about Cryptology.