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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    But to say that God will be violating so many of His natural laws, of which absolutely nothing has happened to date, as explained away in the Gospel of Pragmatism, makes no sense to me.
    The laws placed upon things I create aren't necessarily binding upon me. Speaking of 'natural laws'. The things that God creates have in their nature (i.e. nature-al law) to obey their creator and to otherwise behave a certain way. Red blood cells are stem cells in a specific 'incarnation', if necessary (at the right command of from through nervous system perhaps) they will shed their 'red blood cell status' to become bone or skin cells if necessary. The idea of God 'violating' his natural laws doesn't make sense to me because its the creation that is always apt to obey Him. If wood decided to become butter or steel decided to become plastic without extraordinary cause and authority, that would be a violation. If I assign a deputy to guard the county treasury, me telling him to help guard a firetruck during a fire isn't a violation on my part. I suspend my previous lawful order for another. If he abandons his post without lawful cause or unlawfully the violation isn't mine its his. You see I always retain the authority to re-assign the deputy. That a deputy could say to me, me being sheriff, "you're violating your natural laws by telling me to do something else", no offense, doesn't make sense. I'd ask him to take a vacation and maybe see a counsellor if he said that to me. (That is, if water said to Jesus --"I ain't changing to water that is a violation of your natural laws"--the fact is, the violation would be on the water for disobeying its nature to obey its creator: if it is obeying its creator by being water then that is admission that is in its nature to obey its creator therefore obeying future commands is adheres to natural law --i.e. the law of natures.)

    Further aspect of 'natural law' is that the sheriff of XYZ county, Mississippi doesn't have in his nature to obey an order from China. It is against natural law. It has been suggested that it is in the nature of things to obey their creator. A red blood cell with stop being a red blood cell if necessary. That atoms and physical things will obey the will and vision of God only makes sense knowing that (especially if you consider how they came to be in the first place).

    Note: Jagadish Chandra Bose also came to the conclusion even 'inanimate materials' such as metals showed signs of life.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    So for him to go into extreme imagination disorder, and worse yet to preach it fervently like he knows it is a house of cards for the commercial priestcraft is a definite sign he has cracked. - Or maybe I have.
    John wasn't necessarily writing to the world. It seems that he was writing to a very select, small group relatively for the time. That his writings have become public domain or famous perhaps besides the point in perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The answer to that is the Rapture Eschaton pushers are insecure. They know there is nothing to hold it up except to keep people fascinated about how bizarre it all sounds...

    So what happens is that I keep thinking this will go more simply, and by doing so I attract somebody who can follow but they need a missing part, that I was hoping to skip. Mostly because it will open up more inquiries and I am back to simplifying a big mystery by providing keys instead of more and bigger mysteries.
    Errant futurism isn't John's fault. Josephus and Rabbnic writings evidence that what John wrote at least partially came to pass by 70 A.D. Related: The true ecclesia knows what's up. While twins can be hard to distinguish but we all know that making adequate distinctions is the right thing to do. Even the Islamists (Ishmael) in America admit that they do things while pretending to be orthodox Christians only to bring angst against orthodox Christians (Joseph/Isaac/Israel).
    Last edited by allodial; 11-01-16 at 11:54 PM.
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