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Thread: Private Sidewalk Saves Bike Trail

  1. #41
    First off Allodial, I certainly do appreciate your thoughtful replies. I have been digesting and awaken in the "witching hour" especially to sort through your post. This time of day is when dopamine and serotonin combine in the community so that everybody is asleep, but nobody is dreaming. Throughout literary history many writers have 'burned the midnight oil' during witching hour.

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    It has been suggested that Revelations was written prior to 70 A.D. and Spin Doctors pushed the idea of it having been written later in order to hide the pragmatic: the kingdom is now and current.
    I like that suggestion. My "80 AD" was simply alluding to the lack of the welfare bailout state on Patmos. Burning the grain supply might be a fatal decision. Also it is probable that after three days on the naturally occurring LSD that while the hallucinosis persists the feeling of 'tripping' subsides.

    Lawful authority in the spiritual exercised effectively limits (protectively), controls or tempers (in the calming/stabilizing sense) physical manifestation. Its a very practical doctrine (see the Bible).
    Ergo, the quashing of witchcraft? Is that what you allude to?

    I find it comforting. This is by which I make the claim to Jubilee, upon the tenets and timing in the Word DEBAR, of God as described to the Israelites in the Week and other numerical multiples. - As described by Keys in the Feasts...

    Of course, there have been those who have sought distract from the pragmatic and practicality of the true gospel with Ritualism and False Pieous Religiosity and Shiny Trinketism. However, mistaking psychic realms for the divine realms might lead to error. Witchcraft is equated to rebellion because its about overturning lawful, well-tempered order.
    The insult to my sensibilities this initially struck is noted, and that is wise of me to observe carefully my initial reaction was to respond with defensiveness. Thank you.

    I believe that my point in such a wild exposition and exegesis over the last two days here is to the contrary. - That brain health and high plasticity is akin to spiritual ascension. This promotes a high degree of breakthrough insight. I have added a new pill, advertised by both NZT 48 (Limitless) and fetal skeletal growth hormone (Lucy) mixed with boron complex - souped (soapy) metals to wash out aluminum and lead from the brainpan etc...

    It might be illusion but the sensation of this time-space continuum being the highest spiritual forum only grows more certain.

    One naturally follows love. Love is healthy. My joy is being judged witchcraft by the miserable, that is to be expected. People fear what they do not understand. So the loudest gossip confronted me, What the fuck is with the ball (bouncing it in my left hand) and all the women? I know that it came to their attention during "holy communion" that I was outside bouncing along instead of subjecting myself to the egregore they had elevated into a godform... I just felt it better to honor their witchcraft rather than pop their bubble. Maybe there was no way for me to avoid exposure, at least to the women in the congregation.

    Blaming the orthodox saint for errant rapture doctrine is like blaming someone for what an impostor does. The saints are are a royal priesthood (Israel is a people moreso or rather than than a stretch of dirt). Royals are conservators of the peace. Should the saints cease to exist on the face of 'the earth', you might have a condition similar to that of Sodom once Abraham, Lot and company left.
    This is in direct opposition to my work and career efforts. My assertion is that the incest of Abraham and Sarah has developed a major sin-rift about communion. The symbol of Abraham holding a knife to Isaac's throat on the Temple Mount as precedent to the flowing life blood to a jealous God demanding sacrifice is the sickness called hard-hearted and stiffnecked. - That biblical prophecy is a birthright due all upon claim and demand. This guilt trip has been capitalized upon in commercial priestcraft so rampant that debt/death/doubt has become the SDR-based global currency that converts love itself into a currency.

    Again, getting to the heart of when Revelations was actually written is important:

    It is AFAIK a matter of historical record that when the Crusaders (allegedly there were FOURTEEN crusades in total) went to "the Holy Land", they didn't realize that certain prophecies were already fulfilled, that they were actually told the truth by the locals. What does that tell you?
    I disagree with the premise that this is important. The "ongoing" fulfillment agrees with timelessness. Heritage and destiny coherent only occurs NOW. It is only now that we drop the past (guilt) and quit using guilt to form future plans. Peace.

    Of course the orthodox, original saints (the saved of Judah, Benjamin, etc.) knew what had happened. Why didn't the Crusaders know? Who was responsible for telling the Crusaders the truth and if they didn't tell the Crusaders the truth or didn't even know the truth what does that say? Also is it really true that the Crusaders were battling Muslims only or was there more to it? How long was the period from 70 AD to 1070AD? Doesn't Revelations 20:7 say something about 1,000 years?
    Indeed, a Day. Millennium. I have enjoyed MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN more - 2,520; the Daniel Cycle. I think it is safe to say that any true prophecy has initial, ongoing and ultimate properties. Emphasizing any one property recognizes time and with it futurism. That is what Pragmatism addresses. The initial Introduction speaks of the proper interpretation of Zechariah's prophecy. That is to say that in three days the dead king would be returning to deliver the people.

    Like I posted the Gospel of Pragmatism teaches rather that Jesus learned from the two witnesses on the road to Emmaus that his initial administrative act as the new King had failed. Overturning the moneychangers' tables in the Temple Court did not incite the people to riot and unseat the already impeached (adultery with Herodias, Philip's wife) Antipas HEROD. One thing I feel Christians overlook, quite tragically is that the Messiah was to deliver the Temple Mount from Babylon, not Rome. Read Ezra and Nehemiah - understand what TIRSHATHA is - a Babylonian colonial marshal.

    Related: Battle On the Ice.
    Thank you for such an interesting adventure Allodial.

  2. #42
    Concerning witchcraft (the bible definition rather than the Pop Culture definition), the point was rather than to suggest your clearing of metals out of your body to improve the mental and psychic health but was a reference to rebellion against or overturning of lawful and well-tempered order by enemies of the saints. Consider that:

    1. witchcraft in one sense (rebellion; sociopolitical poisoning) is still prosecuted in most every U.N. member under laws against sedition or rebellion;
    2. witchcraft in the potions and powders (bio-spiritual poisoning) sense is also prosecuted ala the War On Drugs and 'drug control'. If one studies the drug trafficking system one might find some very interesting things associated with magic, voodoo and witchcraft.

    I find it a challenge to define the clearing the body of poisons as witchcraft---sounds more like an antidote for witchcraft (poisoning).

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Like I posted the Gospel of Pragmatism teaches rather that Jesus learned from the two witnesses on the road to Emmaus that his initial administrative act as the new King had failed. Overturning the moneychangers' tables in the Temple Court did not incite the people to riot and unseat the already impeached (adultery with Herodias, Philip's wife) Antipas HEROD. One thing I feel Christians overlook, quite tragically is that the Messiah was to deliver the Temple Mount from Babylon, not Rome. Read Ezra and Nehemiah - understand what TIRSHATHA is - a Babylonian colonial marshal.
    It is widely held that the character or makeup among the people and citizenry of Israel had changed for the worse (re: Deut. 28:43 (ERV) "The stranger that is in the midst of thee shall mount up above thee higher and higher; and thou shalt come down lower and lower.."): that such was the problem. Those who were aiming to destroy Judah and Israel (impostors, saboteurs and the like) from within were the problem and that "Jesus fellow" threatened the totality of their plan (consider they had done the kingdom of Israel in quite well already). You see how Deuteronomy suggests how de jure Israelites could one day come to be diminished and marginalized AMONG THEIR OWN by a stranger working from within? History shows Edom did exactly that.

    That is to say that in three days the dead king would be returning to deliver the people.
    Are residents, rebels, strangers or imposter's necessarily the people?

    How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up! ... Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? ... For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. ... For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. Obadiah 1:6,8, 10-11 and 15
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    One thing I feel Christians overlook, quite tragically is that the Messiah was to deliver the Temple Mount from Babylon, not Rome. Read Ezra and Nehemiah - understand what TIRSHATHA is - a Babylonian colonial marshal.
    History tells us that Rome merged with Babylon subsequent to Attalus III's bequeathing of his crown, kingdom or mantel to the Romans and Julius Caesar was the first to 'wear' the merged mantles. It has been widely suggested that the real temple or body is the people and they were delivered/saved and escaped between 66AD and 70AD.

    "We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered. John 19:15
    Most everyone knows the sovereign over de jure Israel was always the one named at Exodus 3:14-15. Now this is well considered in light of 1 Samuel 8:6-7 (consider that--unlike Julius Caesar, Saul, David and Solomon were at least of one or more of the tribes of Israel):

    But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the LORD. And the LORD said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.
    More stringent is the rejection found at John 19:15. The king of Babylon was never the absolute head of Israel and only was placed over Israel or Judah during captivity or exile. The story of the three boys in the fire makes this plain.

    And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16
    And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. Genesis 37:5
    Consider the difference between /1/ serving the one who created the greater light, the lesser light and the stars and /2/ serving the greater light, the lesser light and the stars themselves. He who made the stars, the greater light and the lesser light said:

    And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven. Genesis 4:19
    Also consider Deuteronomy 4:19 in the light of Joseph's dream. There are those who suggest earthly kings to be types of lesser lights or stars. (Not to mention sun worship or moon worship.)


    Rather than dismissing your approach, I am suggesting that the pragmatism is very much there in the gospel, but one might have to look past the mischaracterization and the mischaracterizers to see it. As for any notion of him being a 'failed king'...

    Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world {kosmos}, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
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    If one mischaracterizes what he was really aiming to do (much like those who mischaracterize the gospel), then the spiritual pragmatism of both the gospel and his mission would be missed by such a one. Ruling or saving creation with creation (like pulling yourself up from the ground by the shoestrings on the shoes on your feet) wasn't the objective. (Consider that the holy of holies with respect to the Temple wasn't out in the open air, it was seen as separate, beyond doors, deep within the Temple and set apart from the mundane rather than in the world itself.) In other words, the story wasn't one of trying to set up secular state.

    P.S. The timing of the departing of the scepter from Judah prevented those who ought not have it from having it (the birthright is Joseph's and neither Ishmael, Esau, Cain nor Canaan were to have it). Consider the Masons of Scotland did with the coronation stone since they regarded Elizabeth II's right to the throne to be questionable.

    And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
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    Last edited by allodial; 11-02-16 at 10:54 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #43
    Some of your post, I feel, is preaching to the choir... So I only address what strikes a chord, meaning I share the learning/teaching experience with the reader:

    History tells us that Rome merged with Babylon subsequent to Attalus III's bequeathing of his crown, kingdom or mantel to the Romans and Julius Caesar was the first to 'wear' the merged mantles. It has been widely suggested that the real temple or body is the people and they were delivered/saved and escaped between 66AD and 70AD.
    This helps describe my point. Rome came into Israel around that time - 50 BC. This would be why Rome was in Israel when Jesus was born. But "merging" with Babylon means that Babylon was there, in Israel. I am using your points to make mine, as though you have been learning the correct and true history, but you have not been interpreting it from my same perspective.

    Those who were aiming to destroy Judah and Israel (impostors, saboteurs and the like) from within were the problem and that "Jesus fellow" threatened the totality of their plan (consider they had done the kingdom of Israel in quite well already). You see how Deuteronomy suggests how de jure Israelites could one day come to be diminished and marginalized AMONG THEIR OWN by a stranger working from within? History shows Edom did exactly that.

    Hold that thought a moment - something else you said too...

    Consider the Masons of Scotland did with the coronation stone since they regarded Elizabeth II's right to the throne to be questionable.
    That was my showing the Epistle Dedicatory a moment ago. You are quick with your wonderful library to validate that King James of 1611 brought Scottish Rite to England. A fundamental tome of SR Masonry is Morals and Dogma:

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    My point is this, and I make it so often that many of you are tired of it. I am going to another Bible Study in a bit and it always shows that Christians think that the King was expected to oust Rome from the Temple Mount, while charismatic Christianity merges with Messianic Judaism showing a complete ignorance that the Kingdom of David represented pre-Nebuchadnezzar Israel. The real problem when Jesus came up the King's Road was not Rome - it was that at the top was Babylon. But like you say, Babylon merged with Rome.

    According to Eli Marcus RAVAGE (1928) who relied heavily on Rise and Fall by GIBBONS in two articles in Century Magazine, Rome only came to real power in Israel to oust into exile Archelaus HEROD for the infanticide. And this sheds new light on the "virgin" birth too. The adolescent King Archelaus knocks up a Levite maiden and so sloughs her off on a wealthy aristocrat Joseph. Then three rich merchants show up describing how Daniel, their Prophet described some of the recent astronomy, bearing gifts for this new King...

    P.S. I can still see how to keep all this on point about heritage and escheat. So don't wander off because you think the thread has gone astray please.

    P.P.S. Hiding the new child-king by running to Egypt nearly cost Joseph everything. But the gold, frankincense and myrrh were already invested.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-03-16 at 12:28 AM.

  4. #44
    It has been suggested that Revelations was written prior to 70 A.D. and Spin Doctors pushed the idea of it having been written later in order to hide the pragmatic: the kingdom is now and current.Genesis 6 a hero or demigod.” If the original translation for hero then is applied to Genesis 6, we indeed have a cryptic enigma, in that a race of superhuman demigods is part of the flood narrative. Just as curious, and without explanation, all renowned men of antiquity were depicted as heroes that persistently and continuously rose a crution too the TABLE legendary depths of primeval history as part man and part god, reigning for long durations.Why were Demigods provided print just before one of the epic tales of Scripture? Why were these cryptic pre flooders the people described as both heroes of old and men of renown?Nimrod. He was a great warrior king/potentate who modeled himself after the heroes of old and men of renown from antiquity. He was incredibly brave and proud; Nimrod’s hubris led him to subdue the people of Shinar through tyranny, while inciting the people of Shinar to rebel against the true God of the universe, just as his antediluvian role models did. Ancient times do not refer to the time of Abraham. The terms “ancient times, old, old, former times, long ago” and “before our time” were always understood as the pre- flood epoch. This understanding is underscored in its application in Sirach, Baruch, Wisdom, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezra, Daniel, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter, where “ancient” always referred to the time of Noah before the flood. This, suggests the Amalekites were in existence as a race of demigods in the epoch of the antediluvian world when the Sons of God . In other words, they were seated both before and after the flood.Amalekites do not appear to be a race created by impassioned fallen angels after the flood, such as Enikiden or those of Sodom. If “ancient times” does not refer to antediluvian times, then it most certainly refers to an age before Abraham, and most likely to the age immediately following the deluge.Whichever the case may be, both predate the standard chronology of the Table of Nations. But in order to make all this stick, we must broaden the support claiming that the Amalekites were without any doubt a pure strain of the surviving Nephilim race. Numbers recorded more evidence for this.

    “We even saw the descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites live in Negev” (Num. 13:23). This passage calls Amalekites Anakites. I do not know how to interpret this verse any differently, as it describes the descendants of Anak in the same breath and narrative as the Amalekites, thereby connecting the two, just as the flood narrative describes the flood and the Sons of Gods in the same narrative, connecting them also by application and implication. The passage from the book of Numbers does not implicitly state the descendants of Anak lived among the Amalekites; rather it seems to imply that the Amalekites were actually descendants of Anak! Numbers 13:22 states, “They went up through the Negev and came to Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the descendants of Anak lived.” Here, and in Judges and Joshua, three Amalekite/Anakite kings were clearly named.When Ruling or saving creation with creation (like pulling yourself up from the ground by the shoestrings on the shoes on your feet) wasn't the objective. (Consider that the holy of holies with respect to the Temple wasn't out in the open air, it was seen as separate, beyond doors, deep within the Temple and set apart from the mundane rather than in the world itself.) In other words, [WHAT story] wasn't one of trying to set up secular state.This schism of antediluvian Freemasonry can be more easily understood as the wedge splitting monotheism away from spurious, mystical polytheism. Seedless and Spiritual The Christ begotten

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    My point is this, and I make it so often that many of you are tired of it. I am going to another Bible Study in a bit and it always shows that Christians think that the King was expected to oust Rome from the Temple Mount, while charismatic Christianity merges with Messianic Judaism showing a complete ignorance that the Kingdom of David represented pre-Nebuchadnezzar Israel.
    Do you mean Roman Catholics, Protestants, Greek Orthodox, Scofieldists, Simonians or plain ol' orthodox bible believers when you say "Christians"? Perhaps you have run across "Christians" who are infected by Scofield-ism or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    ...charismatic Christianity merges with Messianic Judaism showing a complete ignorance that the Kingdom of David represented pre-Nebuchadnezzar Israel.
    There are quite a few who have suggested the Charismatic Movement to have been something mainly promoted by Roman Catholics or Jesuits. Whether that is true or not can be determined through investigation and prayer likely.

    Regarding the Tabernacle of David, this is what I have been alluding to. Where you speak of the fixation on guilt, perhaps you're talking about those held captive by the mischaracterization of the gospel and the mischaracterization of Jesus Christ's mission.

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    The tabernacle of David, presented a direct access to the Throne of God--a return to innocence. The religiosity-ists like the complexity and keeping a captive audience so they mischaracterize and counterfeit things to keep a captive audience. The Islamist pretending to be a orthodox Christian is not a Christian, taking the counterfeit for the de jure is the stuff of error. It was related to me through a very reliable means that deep in the inner sanctum of a Secretive Organization they knew exactly the truth of Jesus Christ and the power of the saints and they at some point thought all of this was just a kind of joke or something to toy around with to control populations: but at some point they realized they had made a terrible mistake with undesirable consequences to boot.

    I've come across quite a few types who like the idea of secret, closed orders and who abhor the idea that of public notice and grace or of the truth is just 'hanging out there'. For many of them revealed doctrine "must necessarily be" mundane, a trap, a code, a trick, because for them "if you're not initiated into our secret order and on level 69 you can't possibly know the truth". That is, the secret Islamist pretending to be a Christian admits that he'd gladly set up "churches" thinking himself to be doing the 'unlearned' a favor, regarding orthodox Christianity to be a mere stepping stone on the way to allegedly "finer" parts and things of secret sauce land. So, I'm alluding to the distinction between pure, sound and orthodox doctrine and the counterfeit.

    Of course, I do not take a cessationist approach. The most basic events of each day can conceivably be perceived as a miracle. However, the potential for false doctrine to creep in is something worth being aware of.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    That was my showing the Epistle Dedicatory a moment ago. You are quick with your wonderful library to validate that King James of 1611 brought Scottish Rite to England. A fundamental tome of SR Masonry is Morals and Dogma:
    There are those who assert that Morals and Dogma, of course, which was first published in 1872, which is 261 years after 1611, has a connection to the writings of Eliphas Levi (who wrote Transcendental Magic--note that Moses was not a 'magician'). Consider, however, that getting the English royals off of orthodox, pure scripture may have led do the events of 1666--basically the destruction of England. On that topic, and relevantly, while some suggest Hitler to have been savior of Germany, its worth noting that Hitler is widely regarded to have been a 'darkside occultist', got Germany off its orthodox base and opened it to destruction. Getting Germany off of its orthodox base, like tearing down spiritual hedges and walls of protection is hardly a favor: this opened Germany to destruction. That doesn't sound like a nice favor you do a friend or someone you love. Nor does it sound like salvation.

    Hitler used the identical force and the same mechanics in inciting the German people to attack the world. A reading of his Mein Kampf will verify that. Dr. Rene Fauvel, a famous French psychologist, explained it by saying that Hitler had a remarkable understanding of the law of suggestion and its different forms of application, and that he mobilized every instrument of propaganda in his mighty campaign of suggestion with uncanny skill and masterly showmanship. Hitler openly stated that the psychology of suggestion was a terrible weapon in the hands of anyone who knew how to use it. --Claude M. Bristol (1948)
    On the topic of mesmerism on steroids, on a massive scale, gotta say that voodoo comes to mind.

    Mercury is one of the most common ingredients in voodoo. The idea is to create a little death in the body to open holes in the body's hedges and make the target more susceptible to mesmeric influence (or external 'mentative forces').

    Franz Mezmer
    Moses Was Not A Magician

    Of Eliphas Levi f/k/a Alphonse Louis Constant it is said that he became the Jesuit Order's "...most renowned Magician and Occultist of the 19th Century, Constant/Levi wrote The History of Magic and was well known to the 'Pontifex Maximus' of Jesuit/Illuminatized Scottish-Rite Freemasonry in America, Albert Pike."
    Last edited by allodial; 11-05-16 at 12:36 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #46
    Just as curious, and without explanation, all renowned men of antiquity were depicted as heroes that persistently and continuously rose a crution too the TABLE legendary depths of primeval history as part man and part god, reigning for long durations.

    Ergo the Olympus Ordeal - contained herein, culminating in a lien upon the universe, from guess who - WASHINGTON.

    But in order to make all this stick, we must broaden the support claiming that the Amalekites were without any doubt a pure strain of the surviving Nephilim race. Numbers recorded more evidence for this.
    That paragraph has opened my eyes...

    This schism of antediluvian Freemasonry can be more easily understood as the wedge splitting monotheism away from spurious, mystical polytheism. Seedless and Spiritual The Christ begotten

    "Murder now the path of must we, just because the Son has come."

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Do you mean Roman Catholics, Protestants, Greek Orthodox, Scofieldists, Simonians or plain ol' orthodox bible believers when you say "Christians"? Perhaps you have run across "Christians" who are infected by Scofield-ism or something.

    There are quite a few who have suggested the Charismatic Movement to have been something mainly promoted by Roman Catholics or Jesuits. Whether that is true or not can be determined through investigation and prayer likely.

    Regarding the Tabernacle of David, this is what I have been alluding to. Where you speak of the fixation on guilt, perhaps you're talking about those held captive by the mischaracterization of the gospel and the mischaracterization of Jesus Christ's mission.

    Name:  screen-shot-2012-04-12-at-10-38-33-am.png
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    The tabernacle of David, presented a direct access to the Throne of God--a return to innocence. The religiosity-ists like the complexity and keeping a captive audience so they mischaracterize and counterfeit things to keep a captive audience. The Islamist pretending to be a orthodox Christian is not a Christian, taking the counterfeit for the de jure is the stuff of error. It was related to me through a very reliable means that deep in the inner sanctum of a Secretive Organization they knew exactly the truth of Jesus Christ and the power of the saints and they at some point thought all of this was just a kind of joke or something to toy around with to control populations: but at some point they realized they had made a terrible mistake with undesirable consequences to boot.

    I've come across quite a few types who like the idea of secret, closed orders and who abhor the idea that of public notice and grace or of the truth is just 'hanging out there'. For many of them revealed doctrine "must necessarily be" mundane, a trap, a code, a trick, because for them "if you're not initiated into our secret order and on level 69 you can't possibly know the truth". That is, the secret Islamist pretending to be a Christian admits that he'd gladly set up "churches" thinking himself to be doing the 'unlearned' a favor, regarding orthodox Christianity to be a mere stepping stone on the way to allegedly "finer" parts and things of secret sauce land. So, I'm alluding to the distinction between pure, sound and orthodox doctrine and the counterfeit.

    Of course, I do not take a cessationist approach. The most basic events of each day can conceivably be perceived as a miracle. However, the potential for false doctrine to creep in is something worth being aware of.

    There are those who assert that Morals and Dogma, of course, which was first published in 1872, which is 261 years after 1611, has a connection to the writings of Eliphas Levi (who wrote Transcendental Magic--note that Moses was not a 'magician'). Consider, however, that getting the English royals off of orthodox, pure scripture may have led do the events of 1666--basically the destruction of England. On that topic, and relevantly, while some suggest Hitler to have been savior of Germany, its worth noting that Hitler is widely regarded to have been a 'darkside occultist', got Germany off its orthodox base and opened it to destruction. Getting Germany off of its orthodox base, like tearing down spiritual hedges and walls of protection is hardly a favor: this opened Germany to destruction. That doesn't sound like a nice favor you do a friend or someone you love. Nor does it sound like salvation.

    On the topic of mesmerism on steroids, on a massive scale, gotta say that voodoo comes to mind.

    Mercury is one of the most common ingredients in voodoo. The idea is to create a little death in the body to open holes in the body's hedges and make the target more susceptible to mesmeric influence (or external 'mentative forces').

    Franz Mezmer
    Moses Was Not A Magician

    Perhaps it is the sustainability of spiritual ascension that keeps me from responding as you wish. So I went back twenty years in one hour last night - pure charismata - a bible study at a Foursquare church. It got me reeling a little bit.

    1) Ridiculing anybody who might dare to think the world is over 6000 years old
    2) A woman brought up that a patient in the Bible had gone to doctors and spent her estate on treatments...

    The pastor shut her down with:

    Let's just interpret Scripture in the context that it has been given, because there is the POWER!

    Indeed there is! Remove investigation into the geopolitical and cultural history of Israel around Jesus, and the Apostle Paul gets his way - blind faith. I don't think it just me who felt the blanket of suppression fill the room. My research led to to go get a dose in pure form - from source material. Thank you anyway.

    P.S. There is something to that to consider. I simply find you in agreement and enjoy the library at your disposal. All along, I have had the best and highest source material available. - At least since I discovered and studied Rules of Evidence, especially about hearsay. Interesting how that may be what did it, removed my research techniques from the wind and waves of whim.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-03-16 at 03:38 PM.

  8. #48
    So its easy to mistake me for arguing with you or shouting down at you when I'm just saying like the old Prego commercial...

    "Its in there!". If you eject and strip out of mischaracterizations and political-control dressing, the pragmatism is in the gospel all along. Its not Paul, Jesus or the saint that have been hiding it. Its the poseurs and hijackers and counterfeiters that have been creating diversions.

    One thing about the National Islam, is that they see God as a scientist, scientists tend to be very pragmatic. The mesmerists who like to use religion as a tool for political control probably can't keep pragmatically-minded audiences captive. So, tolerating the 'herd' learning pragmatic and practical aspects of the gospel (such as intercessory prayer, pure/holy/virtuous living, the dynamics of spiritual warfare, etc.) would be contrary to that kind of control--so you'll probably find them skipping over that kind of thing and fixating on guilt, adultery, sin. So learning materials they published would be designed to skip the pragmatic. But blaming Paul or the Bible for that kind of abuse or misuse can seem inappropriate.

    Nonetheless, its still pragmatic for Jesus to have been born by divine intervention, rather than from a Levite that got knocked up by a king. The same one who raised Adam from the soil (the womb is part of a body that is regarded to be a 'jar of clay') could easily raise a babe from the womb. As in, if someone can believe Adam to have been formed out of the dust of the field and life breathed into him, they should more easily be able to believe of miracle operating on a womb having being able to procure a man too. If one believes that the human body is made of soil/dirt/clay--then one should find it easy to believe that the same forming out from the 'clay' of womb would be possible.

    Witches and black magic pundits who seek to spread their rule planetwide realize that if everyone were to be pragmatic with the application of the gospel they don't stand a chance of establishing their rule. The mundane psychic is no match for divine authority. A tactic has been to simply diverting with counterfeits and holding an audience in stasis (to keep as many folks mundane, carnal and stupefied as possible) with a view to keeping them from ever grasping the practical and pragmatic.

    Regarding hearsay, the role of the Spirit of God or Holy God as first hand witness (Hebrews 10:15; Romans 8:16) is key. It is made plain in scripture that blind faith is not asked for:

    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21
    When a 'religious leader' is demanding blind faith, perhaps it is blind faith in himself he is calling for. If he is an occultist-mesermist who has sized up the gospel and the bible and everything as psychic-level dog-eat-dog, no doubt he doesn't want his victims seeing that pragmatic, practical stuff so he'll make a point to skip that.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-04-16 at 12:44 AM.
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  9. #49
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I can still see how to keep all this on point about heritage and escheat. So don't wander off because you think the thread has gone astray please.
    When all of man's Houses are become Desolate the Estate will Escheat upon the Original Grantor. For if you agree with Scripture that the Estate was let out to Husbandmen [Trustees], then you see that upon default the Estate will return upon the Testator who lives! Therefore the Kingdoms are really held in abeyance. For they said "come let us kill him and the Estate will be ours."

    When one truly begins to realize how the Technology of Balaam is used to keep man tied to his Carnal existence, then one will realize that they indeed kill the Son for while one remains in the Carnal Mind one is at enmity against God. And the "would be" heir only remains as a "potential heir". But when one turns away from the hog slop in the outer court, one then begins to cultivate the Power of Christ within.

    And one begins to abide in the Hebrew Law for one has crossed over the River and is now taking every thought and desire captive subject to the Laws of Eden. Give the Zadok no inheritance for they inherit God. Why then are so many intent on inheriting in the outer court? To each his own - I suppose. I am coming to appreciate it is a waste of time. I have spent too much time on foolishness.

    These wicked trustees think to compensate God. Isn't that funny? And how unwise and foolish!

    Deu 32:6 Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he thy father that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and established thee?

    These foolish ones say they paid God for the Estate and it was the consideration of their payment that the Estate was transferred upon their person [in Trust] for the keeping of the Vineyard [mankind]. I would ask, where are the fruits? Should the Trustees not render the good fruit to the heir? But they will ask- where is the heir?

    And now we see in pride - where is the promise of his coming? While man remains Carnal in his mental realm, he remains in a condition which is hatred against God. Many learned well of Balaam -to place stumbling blocks in front of the senses. Only Israel must choose - life or death. There is nothing new under the sun!

    Thus who makes the House desolate? We do by our own choices. Where then is the heir? Can one bring forth Christ in a Carnal existence? I think not. For the Carnal Mind is hatred against God and is not subject to the law of God. Is there any profit to teach man humility, charity, mercy such that the Spiritual fruits come forth?

    The bottom line is that those who know the laws of Eden [inner court] know that if they can keep placing stumbling blocks before the senses of man which rob man of his vital energy, then they can keep man in a constant state of desire and in that case the Irrational Mind shall rule the house and therefore man is as a beast of burden serving the interests of the few that drive the "cattle" for profit and utility. I know it is sad - but it is true.

    Isa_5:9 In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant.

    Isa_6:11 Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,

    When one begins to realize that cities are states of consciousness, then the question arises where is the Spiritual Man in the House [inhabitant]. Where are the Spiritual Thoughts and Desires [sons and daughters] Said cities are without inhabitant as they are driven as cattle by desire and irrational fears. The masses are satiated into a peaceful slumber by feeding them vanity - toys without end - to satiate an insatiable appetite. The mask is placed upon the face and the eyes are turned down - fast asleep - the irrational always seeks to kill reality. Logic be damned - how does it make you feel?

    And what of the land? Is this not the manifestation of consciousness? Is it not as a desert? A dry wilderness! A earth of brass without rain and no dew from Heaven? And then, upon falling to the dreadful estate of poverty, perhaps man will turn to return to their Father's House. Indeed sir, the Estate will ESCHEAT to the original Grantor.


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    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 11-03-16 at 09:27 PM.
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  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thank you David (and MJ). That helps, although still left with the feeling you're several moves ahead.

    I'm thrown by your fast RSA Factoring Algorithm terminology. Are you using it not so much in the computer cryptographic sense but more of a big-picture, masonic encryption? The Cryptography?

    Or, alluding to the time collapse, in 2028 cracking present-day RSA encryption will be so easy as to be trivial? Otherwise your invention/algorithm would seem to have little to do with algorithms used by RSA. Not to say your algo isn't as exact and mathematical. I removed my brick from the ziggurat too; years ago. Reproducible results.

    BTW, those who care about security use ECDSA.
    Last edited by lorne; 11-03-16 at 11:39 PM.

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