Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
People need to process the brilliance of simple truth in the above.

Jesus The Christ of Nazareth conquered death, sin and the rebellious adversaries of God through an Holy act of Ultimate Sacrifice; giving His life for the salvation of others. He, being the ONLY man in the WHOLE of history able to accomplish this; He redeemed the world and established The Kingdom for the true Heirs - the sons and daughters of The Creator, the God of the Bible.

Since that point, the "devious non-heirs" KNEW this Truth 100% and have been scheming to deceive, entrap and confuse the true heirs ever since. The "devious non-heirs" created the "covenants of death" so as to operate in their own realm (DEAD) and slowly transform the Truth, that they KNOW to be true, into the LIE that the entire WORLD operates under: The Fictional Realm of the DEAD, the LEGAL and the COMMERCIAL.

The comment about 'leveling the playing field' by the "devious non-heirs" is a brilliant way to describe the reasons why the WORLD operates as it does. This is further Truth that, while the Kingdom is partially here and now, The FULL manifestation of The Kingdom of God is yet to come as there will be NO MORE realm(s) of the DEAD operating when the Ancient of Days FULLY establishes His Kingdom on earth in The New Age.

BTW, that is NOT "futurism" as it is promulgated by those both for or against that false doctrine which was created to hide the fact that the "little horn" is actually the evil Roman office of Pope - "Vicar of Christ" for the UN-holy Roman Church.
Thank you. Pragmatism does not argue that but you may sense that I am indeed arguing that.

In the opening of the Gospel of Pragmatism I reveal that the strongest prophecy of the Resurrection is found in Zechariah.

Attachment 4706

This is where Jesus became so infatuated with fulfilling all the scriptures that he immanentized (tried to facilitate) the process. Therefore you have the component that Jesus was quite willing to die, upon the belief that somehow he would be revived to function as the King of Israel. Jesus was by blood the true king because his biological father had only been in exile. The "King" of the Bible Story was a Tetrarch, Antipas HEROD.

This changes the entire reading but it helps to understand that the Book of Mark is the first Gospel and the other gospels followed with the same objective - that even though it was taking at least twelve years instead of three days, the Throne still belonged to Jesus and so as long as Jesus breathed there was a potential to overturn the Babylonian rule in Jerusalem. I speak about how the Gospel of Mark was written by Paul, Jesus, Peter and Mark as Peter's scribe. And so I will only touch on things that are not in the Gospel of Pragmatism here.

Re-reading Mark with this knowledge and after reading the entire Gospel of Pragmatism with an open mind will help uncover amazing findings of fact. I have fit that "Crucifixion" was only a three-hour torture to make the entire scenery much easier to palate in the logical and linear mind. Jesus could taste that He had been sedated by the hyssop and when the guards sponged vinegar into his wounds and he was losing consciousness He realized that Joseph was intervening and saving His physical life. Therefore not being able to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah he cried out, God! Oh Father; why hast though forsaken me?

In other words, "Why cannot I die here so that I fulfill the Resurrection depicted by the Prophet Zechariah?"