Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
Perhaps it is a matter of evolution and advancement in our perceptions and developmental models of cause and effect?

That was the slickest brain fart of doubletalk in the legal history Western Law!

Or was it?

The Libel of Review, based in the 'saving to suitors' clause is always dismissed; which would seem on the surface as the biggest discarding of a good $350 ever. Yet people grow in perception by doing, not hearing. So taking a dip in the admiralty, for the purpose of getting established in your true name on the land, above the high tide mark would seem to have an advantage that leaves many spouting that it is the best money spent ever.

Authority must be bonded. In other words, the taxpayer in the black robe (federal judge) is perceived to have authority all the time, even though that is a blatant contradiction in terms. How can a taxpayer judge when if he judges against the IRS he is subject to an audit personally? Can you say Conflict of Interest?

Interestingly it is nearly impossible, maybe impossible to ever get a clerk to give you a certified copy of a federal judge's fungible fidelity bond! - His oath of office. (attachment)

The essence of a political religion called Constitutional Republic is that the Oath of Office is a fungible fidelity bond. The essence of the 'saving to suitors' clause is Diversity (of citizenship). A good federal citizen is a citizen in bondage to the central bank of the US - the Fed.

The Fed, created in 1913 is for the purpose of furnishing elastic currency.

Therefore the essence of HJR-192 is that one may be bound by that trust, and the option was provided (redeeming lawful money) due to the 'saving to suitors' clause of 1789 - ...where the common law is competent to give it (common law remedy).

The Remedy authorizes the suitor to sign and seal (right thumbprint) Default Judgment - a true judgment based in the facts. One might prefer to stand on the truth but the sensory nodes around this intelligence nexus have a profound financial backing. From the Instructions at the end of the Template:

In other words; if you are going to be a responsible driver, have insurance on the motor vehicle. If you are going to be a responsible surgeon have your malpractice insurance paid up. If you are going to be passing judgment, have the funds handy for a misjudgment on your part to pay up whoever you might harm in that authority.

The essence of the political religion called Constitutional Republic is that the Oaths of Office are fungible fidelity bonds.
Thank you, allow me to thoroughly digest what you have laid before me, including the Libel of Review.