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Thread: TRUMP is the new Fed Chairman

  1. #1

    TRUMP is the new Fed Chairman

    Aside from not being the President, but being the Chief Financial/Executive Officer of the US we find in this Coronavirus-age of Treasury Markets that Donald John is now the real Chairman of the Fed.

    This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.

    Name:  Inauguration Cancelled.jpg
Views: 2558
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  2. #2
    “The Fed will finance a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for each acronym to conduct these operations. The Treasury, using the Exchange Stabilization Fund, will make an equity investment in each SPV and be in a “first loss” position. What does this mean? In essence, the Treasury, not the Fed, is buying all these securities and backstopping of loans; the Fed is acting as banker and providing financing. The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.

    In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades.

    This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.”

    Can you elaborate a little. I am thinking this is a good thing, but I cannot see the bigger picture just yet with how they are going to use the SPVs. Anyone have any experience with SPV's or know how he is going to use them?

    Here is a link explaining the term from investopedia

    "One of the primary features of the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) is that it includes SDRs, which is an international monetary reserve pseudo-currency created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1969 from a basket of leading national currencies and backed by the full faith and credit of the member nation's governments. This gives the U.S. Treasury a way to coordinate with the IMF if the need to stabilize exchange rates should arise.

    The Treasury can convert SDR funds into dollars by exchanging them with the Federal Reserve (FED), the central bank of the U.S. SDR may be exchanged for USD, gold, or other international reserves held by the FED. Most central banks will maintain a supply of international reserves, which are funds that the banks can pass among themselves to satisfy global requirements."

    This seems like a big move...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jroc View Post
    “The Fed will finance a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for each acronym to conduct these operations. The Treasury, using the Exchange Stabilization Fund, will make an equity investment in each SPV and be in a “first loss” position. What does this mean? In essence, the Treasury, not the Fed, is buying all these securities and backstopping of loans; the Fed is acting as banker and providing financing. The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.

    In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades.

    This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.”

    Can you elaborate a little. I am thinking this is a good thing, but I cannot see the bigger picture just yet with how they are going to use the SPVs. Anyone have any experience with SPV's or know how he is going to use them?

    Here is a link explaining the term from investopedia

    "One of the primary features of the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) is that it includes SDRs, which is an international monetary reserve pseudo-currency created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1969 from a basket of leading national currencies and backed by the full faith and credit of the member nation's governments. This gives the U.S. Treasury a way to coordinate with the IMF if the need to stabilize exchange rates should arise.

    The Treasury can convert SDR funds into dollars by exchanging them with the Federal Reserve (FED), the central bank of the U.S. SDR may be exchanged for USD, gold, or other international reserves held by the FED. Most central banks will maintain a supply of international reserves, which are funds that the banks can pass among themselves to satisfy global requirements."

    This seems like a big move...
    Harvesting the first-hit definition: A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a legal entity created for a specific purpose. In the context of raising capital, a SPV (usually structured as LLC) can be used as a funding structure, by which all investors (or investors under a given investment threshold) are pooled together into a single entity.
    So picture mixing vitamin C and baking soda in a glass, powder first. The bubbles start very tiny but quickly merge into larger bubbles as they rise to the surface and quickly burst. A virus-prevention fizzy. Come daylight I will prepare a video demonstration. This involves an explosion that will waken people around me who are in slumber - an essential part of the parable.

    Name:  Treasury Bubble - Boston Security Token Exchange LLC blockchain.jpg
Views: 944
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    Harvesting the first-hit definition for NMS Stock: The National Market System (NMS) is the national system for trading equities in the United States. The System includes all the facilities and entities which are used by broker-dealers to fulfill trade orders for securities. This includes: Major stock exchanges, such as NYSE and Nasdaq.
    And now by Rule, this includes the Treasury and Fed. That is a Treasury Market, quoting the article we find those exact words:

    At this rate, the Fed will own two-thirds of the Treasury market in a year.
    BlackRock, Inc. is an American global investment management corporation based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with $7.4 trillion in assets under management as of end-Q4 2019. Wikipedia
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-09-20 at 10:51 AM.

  4. #4

    Rough Draft of Video

    I might work out the audio track for this video right here with you Jroc.

    The materials are found in the research paper attached above, about vitamin C, black seed oil and chamomile extract being very good at inhibiting the pathology of COVID-19. This feels holographic and assists in my lesson about morphogenetic field.

    The scenarios as you watch the video are at this point in the production:

    1. indefinitely sustainable debt
    2. regulated release of highly compressed information (SDR's)
    3. debt becomes unsustainable - redemption

    1. The bubbles pop but the system is contained by the infinite sustainable debt (absurdity). Meaning that the air outside the cup is the system too.

    2. The chamomile extract (brown powder) effects the surface tension representing the deluded endorsement of private credit. People sign themselves to be member banks in the Fed and thus pledge their substance for backing Special Drawing Rights. This both contains the bubbles from bursting and from overflowing the container. People who non-endorse might represent the surface bubbles popping slowly.

    On that, capital integration* working Castle Church (redemption) as a social engineering platform manages release valve systems regulating the release of the highly compressed information infrastructure maintaining the delusion that debt is sustainable, or even debt has value or substance to support currency at all. Search Fed Assets Current to get the latest report. Today's looks like:

    Name:  assets report 6 9 2020.jpg
Views: 974
Size:  255.1 KB

    3. The cap represents a realistic scenario where the sustainable debt must come to an end, when the delusions run their course. People are cured of displacement hysteria or maybe in the alternative a Georgia Guidestones or World War Z scenario culls a major portion of humanity so that realistic monetary systems will be perpetuated by sustainable ecosystems. In this system all bubbles burst and I enjoy the dramatic effect of the cap banging into the kitchen ceiling.

    According to the Footnotes, and the Amendments to the Bretton Woods Agreements in the mid-'70's when it blows, slowly or not the gold domestic is earmarked for $42.22/fine troy ounce. That will feel like the sky falling for those holding contracts. And even for the gold bugs but they will still hold some grocery buying power.

    One item not mentioned that is a saving grace is that the Internet is made up of the gold bought by China on Treasury Bonds. The Chinese have the gold delivered to the clean rooms where they fabricate the data silos and server farms that maintain the widely used interactive program we call Internet. There must be a certain developed infrastructure though, to both power and cool it.

    I hope you enjoy my efforts to explain by video. I look forward to developing this thread and finishing up the sound track.

    P.S. The white powder is baking soda and the white granules are ascorbic acid. The brown powder is chamomile flower extract. Here is the paper referred to at the end.

    * On several occasions capital integration Refused for Cause final rule notices regarding the Basel II Accord. At this time implosion or a culling are weighing in as favorable outcomes. Therefore the Rule above is going forward. Because continuous power to the Internet is necessary for cybercurrency, it is infinitely more sure to evaporate than SDR's.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-09-20 at 09:09 PM.

  5. #5
    I know some were hopeful back when Trump met with someone who wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve.
    Not that I was one of them.
    You could say i abolished the FED personally when began redeeming lawful money.

  6. #6
    Alright, so if I am the chamomile extract endorsing private credit, I am enabling the bubble to slowly increase through allowing the bank to fractional lend off of my pay cheque. Then the bank can use me as collateral for special drawing rights? I think I am more confused as to what special drawing rights represent than anything. Would special drawing rights be the money they actually create out of thin air, backed by your endorsement of their private credit?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jroc View Post
    Alright, so if I am the chamomile extract endorsing private credit, I am enabling the bubble to slowly increase through allowing the bank to fractional lend off of my pay cheque. Then the bank can use me as collateral for special drawing rights? I think I am more confused as to what special drawing rights represent than anything. Would special drawing rights be the money they actually create out of thin air, backed by your endorsement of their private credit?

    I will clarify for the other readers though, because there are stereotypes in play. Many people are unfamiliar with redemption, still believing in debt. I have been saying a long time, my definition for SDR's.

    The measure of social conditioning to blindly endorse private credit from the local central bank.

    One must begin.

    Looking through posts above - the bank can recognize you as a member bank trafficking in the souls of men. Ezekiel and Revelation. You will help stabilize the bubbles popping and help to sustain the delusion that debt can support currency.

  8. #8
    You might gain some insight into TRUMP with former National Security Advisor John BOLTON's new book, The Room Where I Was Disrespected: A White House Memoir. It's been leaked, or otherwise made available online...

    I played an insignificant part in Trump’s campaign except for one
    meeting with the candidate on Friday morning, September 23, at Trump
    Tower, three days before his first debate with Clinton. Hillary and Bill
    were a year ahead of me at Yale Law School, so, in addition to discussing
    national security, I offered Trump my thoughts on how Hillary would
    perform: well prepared and scripted, following her game plan no matter
    what. She hadn’t changed in over forty years. Trump did most of the
    talking, as in our first meeting in 2014, before his candidacy. As we
    concluded, he said, “You know, your views and mine are actually very
    close. Very close.”
    But then again you might not.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    You might gain some insight into TRUMP with former National Security Advisor John BOLTON's new book, The Room Where I Was Disrespected: A White House Memoir. It's been leaked, or otherwise made available online...

    But then again you might not.
    I read James COMEY - A Higher Loyalty. A woman had it on audio with James reading out loud. So a lot of it really stuck. That passage is very believable. Donald John gives notice in about every conversation.

    This is the way it is.

    He monologues on and on watching for reaction. Probably trained assistants doing that for him. If you interrupt with any opposing view, you are fired. If you behave later, like you have any opposing view then you are fired. He gives you notice with the monologue.

    Thanks for the link. We might do it again. Listening and reading at the same time does it for me.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-25-20 at 12:26 PM.

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