Quote Originally Posted by Hbert997 View Post
Okay, I'm a bit confused... I HAVE been signing using my First Middle; then printing First Middle dba First Last. Should I NOT be signing at all?...just only using my "Redeemed etc." stamp? Because on my signature card I DID sign with my First Middle and then printed out First Middle dba First Last.

Thanks for the input.

This animal seems to be somewhat fleeting. I gather intelligence from anecdotes and conformity with current law. It may be that perceptions change. For example I just saw a fully FILED Default Judgment on a Libel of Review but it took over six weeks to happen; like they mulled it over and over and finally realized they had no choice but to honor the foreign true judgment. They had been trying over that time to dismiss but the Order was Refused for Cause properly.

What I am saying is that the signature, at least in my mind has been the endorsement of the Order for lawful money. You sign your Demand. But all along, I have only been advising that you sign your Demand so that the teller will process your paycheck, giving you the funds for your groceries etc. If there is a signature it goes a lot smoother at the bank.

When asking for a $40 refund at Lowe's and while a little distressed that the salesman sold me the wrong power tool battery I just signed, Lawful Money. That went so smoothly that I think I will adopt it more often.