I had read about this trial coming up on some internet news site last year; might have been on Rense or perhaps Steve Quayle.

It seems to me that where Bernard von NOTHAUS went wrong was in naming his coins "dollars".
If he had used another name, like Taler or Talent or any other name that isn't being claimed by the banksters he probably would have had better success with his business.
Since his coins are made of precious metal they don't need to be called "dollar" to make them valuable.
I suppose he called them dollars to get around the sales tax issue, but since there were non-redeemed FRNs involved in his venture there had to be trouble.

There is a subtle irony in all this.
NotHaus is a German compound noun. "Not" means emergency, necessity, distress, and misery in German, and "Haus" means house.
The word "von" means from.
His name, Bernard von NotHaus, literally means "Bernard from the house of misery and distress/emergency.
