Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
yes that is how it starts,

questioning then exercising,

you must remember that when dealing with any dl agency they can only see government issued id,
they only see the registered trade name,
that's all,
its the only name they have jurisdiction on,
I had a very good friend about 20 years ago, who went round and round with the DMV, IRS, and SSA for years. He ended up appealing one of his cases all the way to the Supreme Court, when Ken Starr was Solicitor General. Needless to say, they never heard the case, but my friend claimed victory because of something Starr didn't do. I don't remember exactly what; failed to submit something or other.

At any rate, I watched how the powers that be can tighten the screws on someone who ends up as a target. So all these years later, I'm looking back on that time, remembering the struggles my friend faced, and dreading what can happen. But the good news is, now I know about lawful money, cestui que trusts, and have access to a much larger universe of people with experience on how to deal with these things.

It's a blessing to talk with people who have already gone into this kind of battle. It's very encouraging!