Quote Originally Posted by NO1UNO View Post
I have a question please forgive if this is the wrong thread for this. I have not had a bank acct in over 8 years due to IRS issues. I currently cash my paychecks directly at the credit union from which they are drawn and take the money with me. My question is, is there any reason legally or otherwise that I can not or should not immediately start demanding lawful money when I cash these? As I am new to this process I do not yet have an evidence repository but would like to start dealing in lawful money and start creating a record with the photocopied checks. So far in what I've read on the site everything involving the banks centered around the signature card statement. As I have no acct I'm a little confused as whether or not it makes any difference.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yes. If you support a growing national debt and like the IRS as a collection arm for the Fed.

About the evidence repository - it seems more and more that the US clerks have 'gotten the memo' about people opening a $46 evidence repository. They are utilizing a rule that there must be a case file. [However I have seen where the IRS does not need a case to get a judicial summons via a Miscellaneous Case file.] I have been using an evidence repository since 2008 and the clerk still puts my R4C's on the Basel Accord final rule etc. into it without question. I use a professional process server every time. Usually a Certificate of Mailing - that is the service ($30).

That adds up pretty fast though. However having a published paper trail is important to me. I suggest that you use that if you do not want to file a $350 LoR. Try getting a process server to file your Miscellaneous Case file, with your Notice and Demand.