Emotional Nativity identifies how much success one has in life dealing with a savior and a self destruction of that savior .The heart of Christ beats in the wicked between good and evil everything has its place or needs to be put in its place.Who can access darkness without light? Forming a following is waking as one .A balance of knowledge is spiritual then physical . A secular world is a material world that is void of light Satan rules material darkness in everyone Christ rules the spiritual light in everything emotionally borne . INSTRUCTIONS to physically harm you're brothers and sisters is the oldest idealistic idolatry alive. Sacrifices burning witches who created witches killing christian s who created christian s Man has created as much evil as good. Freewill and Adam we all got a long walk home taking a ride with a stranger and begging for one are separating . The truth about freewill can freewill be hidden not in emotional hearts .Once the truth mentioned means something like exile the forgiveness is sought again just one light or Christ earth became void then the begotten light but the war in heaven started over light with INSTRUCTIONS. The appeal to impart is the written whisper or breath of God. The words of God destroy adversarial words. God has reminded Adam that and he received INSTRUCTIONS the same ones i understand .Dont stray from my light.He doesn't respect persons so being one identifies a material being .That darkness follows around, admitting you have a person is the truth. Assigning physical damaged too a person isn't Gods affair .The war in heaven is over not sidelined just exiles on material main street .