I put some 5MHz sweep into tickling the capsid and discovered that it was not people on their 5G cell phones in the restaurants so much as it was the server farm band, teaching SARS how to develop into the novel COVID-19.
The capsid functions like a Faraday cage protecting the RNA composing COVID-19. It developed uncanny wisdom developing a new neuropeptide attractant to the Type II pneumacite in the alveoli, the tiny air sacs where the blood gas exchange takes place. This alters the surfactant level (surface tension) of the blood plasma leaking water into the air sacs. Pneumonia is perfect if non-fatal because it causes the victim to cough on his hands and pass that on to work and school and the doctor to pass it patient to patient...
The way to devitalize it once internally manifest is to tickle the capsid with a waggle - a signal that simulates life so that the capsid thinks it is safely in the chi filled plasma of a living cell. I call it waggle like a little puppy wiggles around to tell mom, I'm a keeper! The less vital runt will be shunned as the bitch finds herself conserving resources for the best chance pups.
Think of the scaffolding protein forming the icosohedron as a geodesic dome of metal antennas.
This causes the capsid to disassemble and expose the RNA to the devitalizing resonant frequencies already discussed here - wrapping the earbud cord around your cell phone while it is on a call.
The evolution was inspired by the adrenaline within the proteins of mixed raw exotic meat butchered in the Wuhan kitchens. The unaffiliated raw meats on the elite $10K/plate are from separate food chains; kangaroo (Australia), lion (Africa) and giant squid (California) are unlike - unlike gazelle eating lion poop on the grass while the lion eats gazelle and poops on the grass. Drowning in gastric juice is cruel even for live protein. Thing is, protein is much smarter than we think.
At first I suspected that people on their 5G cell phones were supplying the intelligence for this smart-evolution but was only partially correct. When I took a look the server farms are utilizing the frequency, exactly what I had calculated for the resonant frequency.
Those calculations are old in the image. Instead of 57 nm for the antenna as one side of any triangle it is 80 nm, more accurately. So the capsid is tuned to 5.048 GHz in the 5G band and that is not only in the heart of worldwide web intelligence it is smothering and jamming the waggle! So the source of the intelligence about human behavior is also protecting the capsid from being fooled into premature disassembly.
Do you see how it actually cancels the peak amplitude at the exact frequency? I am not sure that I am explaining this clearly to the layman. Now we carry all this intelligence into the 5G band we are feeding this information quite loudly to this large virus, that is tuned in to conference calls, social media and all. Even TRUMPS unintelligent Tweets and the Federal Register where he publishes his Executive Orders.
Interestingly COVID-19 is transmitting back on 5.048 GHz 180° out of phase.
Discovering that this is all happening is no big surprise, but it really fills me with awe how powerful the simple will to survive can be.