Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
So, you're trying to cleanse your pineal gland by pumping magnesium ions from the electrode to your skin, or, ingesting the magnesium electrolyte bath water? Wouldn't it be easier to just take a magnesium supplement pill from the drugstore?

Also, your video seems to suggest the Israelites were using batteries and electrolysis to convert solid gold to starfire. What do you suppose they were using for an electrolyte bath?
Thanks for reading and watching Lorne.

Doing the magnesium myself gives me insight. Also it gives me control. Somebody I know is doing The Magnesium Miracle, the book with the quote. She is giving me the dosage of that product and I am adding my own.

Not necessarily the Israelites but the Sumerians and especially the Anunnaki - who were sons of Anu by name. Sea salt will work well for the bath. I have suspected that some of the furniture was gold plated. That is probably where your question comes from?